I'm Board
Who do you think you are? I Am!
DC Deez Nutz
Lord of the Nerds

"Settlers of Catan" simulates a group of settlers competing and trading resources on the island of Catan. To win the game, a player needs a set amount of victory points, which are acquired solely through settlements, cities, the five victory point cards, and whoever has the largest army.

Um, actually, you also get a victory point by having the longest road.


According to the rules of Quidditch, throwing the Quaffle through an opponent's hoop earns 10 points, hitting an opponent with a bludger earns 0 points, and catching the golden snitch earns 50 points and ends the game.    

Um, actually, catching the golden snitch earns you 150 points.


The BBC series Doctor Who depicts the adventures of a time-traveling humanoid alien (a Time Lord) named Doctor Who, who explores the universe in a ship that looks like a blue British police box.

Um, actually, is name is not Doctor Who, whose true name is unknown.


In Lord of the Rings, Frodo ultimately comes to hold the powerful One Ring when his grandfather, Bilbo Baggins, leaves it for him on the mantle.

Um, actually, Bilbo Baggins and Frodo are first and second cousins once removed either way.


The board game Pandemic is one of the most popular cooperative board games ever made. Players must work together against the game itself to cure and completely eradicate four different diseases before any one of them overruns the world.

Um, actually, you only have to cure the diseases to win.


The creation of a Horcrux is the darkest and most foul of all magics, wherein a dark wizard hides a fragment of their soul outside of themselves through the act of taking a life. While the first Horcrux was created by Herpo the Foul, they were more famously used by Lord Voldemort. Voldemort created his first Horcrux while he was still a student at Hogwarts - a skill he first learned from Professor SlughornGenie, whose true name is never revealed, is the only character in "Aladdin" animated with four fingers instead of five - a stylistic choice to make Genie feel more cartoonish and other-worldly.

Um, actually, Voldemort (Tom Riddle at the time) first learned about Horcruxes from a book in the library and then later goes to Slughorn for more explanation.


In Doctor Who, The Doctor, a 900-year-old Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, travels the Universe with his trusty sonic screwdriver and his state-of-the-art TARDIS.

Um, actually, His TARDIS is not state-of-the-art. It's a Mark 40, an old model.


In "Batman Begins," Bruce Wayne refuses to join the League of Shadows, leading to his eventual confrontation with Ra'as al Ghul aboard a train carrying a bomb to the center of Gotham.

Um, actually, the train is carrying a microwave emitter that will vaporize the water and activate a chemical that has been put into the water supply.


Though most of Sauron's might as a leader is shown through his powerful magic or his terrifying armies, Sauron did have one servant who acted as his diplomat, herald, and emissary, the horrifying wraith known as the Mouth of Sauron.

Um, actually, he was a guy, not a wraith.


First published in 1995, the board game "Settlers of Catan" has players acquire and spend a variety of resources, namely: lumber, sheep, ore, grain, and brick.

Um, actually, it is not sheep, it is wool.


The Common Rooms of each Hogwarts House is intended to be accessible only to members of that house. Every one is at least partially concealed and requires a secret password or knock to enter.

Um, actually, the Ravenclaw Common Room requires the answer to a riddle to gain entry.


In "Doctor Who," wealthy and elite beings gather on the space station, Platform One, to observe Earth being destroyed by the sun in the year 5 billion.  Among these beings is the villainous Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta 17, an alien depicted as a stretched-out piece of skin with a face that has been mounted on a metal frame and must be regularly moisturized.

Um, actually, Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta 17 is not an alien, she is the last surviving human who was born on Earth, and has undergone 708 plastic surgeries.


While most people know that kryptonite is Superman's biggest weakness, not as many people know that kyptonite comes in many different colors, with varying effects: classic green kryptonite weakens Superman, pink makes him permanantly lose his superpowers, and periwinkle caises him to lose his inhibitions.

Um, actually, pink kryptonite causes Superman to become gay and nothing can permanently remove his superpowers


One of the earliest attempts to adapt "The Lord of the Rings" to the screen was by The Beatles. It was to feature original songs by The Beatles, with Paul McCartney as Frodo, Ringo Starr as Sam, George Harrison as Gandalf, and John Lennon as Aragorn. The project was canceled because Tolkien did not like The Beatles' music.

Um, actually, John Lonnon was not going to be Aragorn, he was going to be Gollum.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is famously divided into four houses, each named after one of the four founders, and each with an associated animal: Lion for Gryffindor, Badger for Hufflepuff, Raven for Ravenclaw, and Snake for Slytherin.

Um, actually, Ravenclaw's associated animal is an Eagle


While "Batman: The Animated Series" is consistently ranked as one of the greatest animated series ever made, it is also the most expensive animated series in a per episode basis, due solely to the sheer amount of black ink used in ever episode.

Um, actually, the series was animated with black paper, and so it wasn't especially expensive to make.


In the tabletop game "Warhammer" players command armies of miniatures representing different races or factions inclluding four distinct races of elves, High Elves, Blood Elves, Wood Elves, and Dark Elves.

Um, actually, Blood Elves appear in Warcraft not Warhammer.


Even wizards make mistakes, which is why a good number of cards in "Magic: The Gathering" are banned from tournaments.  Skullclamp was banned because it was so useful that it was being included in nearly every tournament deck.  Shahrazad was banned for making games too long by having players start a second game before returning to their first, and Chaos Orb was banned for being used in conjunction with other cards to create an endless recursion loop.

Um, actually, Chaos Orb is a card that has the player to throw the card in the air, and whatever it lands on is destroyed. There is a common urban legend of a player who tore up their Chaos Orb card and threw all the pieces in the air, destroying many of their opponents cards. This story is referenced in the MTG expansion Unglued, with the card Chaos Confetti
