This Sahabi was the first person to accept the message of islam
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (ra)
This country holds the two holiest cities of Islam.
Saudi Arabia
This is the first Surah of the Qur'an, recited in every prayer.
This person is Pakistani
How many prophets are mentioned in the quran?
This Sahabi was formerly a slave freed by Abu Bakr (ra) and was the first to give the call to prayer.
Bilal (ra)
Originally being exposed to Islam by Muslim traders, this country holds the largest Muslim population in the world.
How many names of Allah (swt) are mentioned in ayatul-kursi?
This person’s favorite animal is a penguin.
What was the name of the largest muslim empire in the world?
Ottoman Empire
This female Sahabi was a leading scholar in fiqh, medicine, and poetry. She narrated over 2,200 hadiths, taught many of the early scholars, and played a crucial role in preserving and explaining Islamic rulings.
Aisha bint Abu Bakr (ra)
This country is the largest country in its continent and its national animal is the Fennec Fox.
Which juz is the last revealed ayah of the Quran in
3rd Juz
This person has four trench coats
What is the name of the angel responsible for blowing the trumpet before the day of judgement?
Israfil (as)
This righteous Christian king of Abyssinia (Ethiopia) granted protection to early Muslim refugees and later accepted Islam after hearing the message of the Prophet
King Najashi (Negus Ashama ibn Abjar) (ra)
This country consumes the most rice per capita in its continent and is 85% Muslim
In which surah does Allah (swt) declare that Isa (AS) was not crucified but was instead raised up to Himself?
This person has lived in 5 states
Who are the 4 women of Jannah?
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (ra), Fatima bint Muhammad (ra), Maryam bint 'Imran (ra), and 'Asiyah bint Muzahim (ra)
This Quraysh leader came to Medina with the intent to assassinate the Prophet ﷺ in retaliation for the losses at the Battle of Uhud. Upon meeting the Prophet, he was astonished when the Prophet ﷺ revealed knowledge of his hidden plan, leading him to recognize the truth of Islam and embrace the faith.
Umayr ibn Wahab (ra)
Home to the Darvaza gas crater, this country is 93% Muslim and 70% desert.
How many sajdahs are in the Quran
11, 14, or 15 (depending on interpretation)
This person has a Chinese language certificate
What are the six pillars of iman?
Belief in Allah, day of judgment, qadr (destiny), books of Allah, prophets of Allah, and angels