What is the main goal of clean water and sanitation?
Ensure water is available and sustainable for everyone.
What is the main goal of life below water?
Conserve and use the oceans, seas, and other marine resources in a sustainable way.
What is the main goal of life on land?
Protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of ecosystems and manage them.
What is the main goal of climate action?
Adapt to climate related risks and prevent natural disasters.
What is the main goal of sustainable cities and communities?
Support positive links between areas by strengthening national and regional development.
When is the expected year for most sub-goals under Clean Water and Sanitation to be completed?
By when is it estimated that marine pollution will significantly reduce?
By 2020, what percent of forest remains in the world?
Does meat or vegetables have more impact on climate change?
How many people live in slums?
1.1 billion
How many people lack access to basic sanitation services?
4 billion
How do we protect marine resources?
Eliminating pollution and overfishing.
In the past decade, how many species have gone extinct?
How many of the 195 countries in the UN have adopted the Paris Agreement on climate change?
What is the percentage of people dedicated to public spaces and streets in citiies?
Name a charity that supports clean water and sanitation?
What substances acidify oceans?
Carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere dissolving into the ocean.
How many subgoals are under life on land?
How many subgoals are under climate action?
How many developed countries out of 10 have convenient access to public transportation?
What about less developed countries?
8 out of 10 and 4 out of 10
Name 2 sub-goals under Clean water & Sanitation
Safe and Affordable Drinking water
End open defecation and provide access to sanitation and hygiene
There are 8 in total.
Under clause 14.4, it states that by 2020, people can effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing. In China, from which month to which month can you not fish?
May to September
What does desertification mean?
The process by which vegetation in drylands decreases and eventually disappears.
What does UNFCCC stand for?
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Name an organization for sustainable cities and communities.