Childhood/ Life as an Athlete
Daily double!
How many shark attacks each year?
about 72
The name of the saint celebrated today
St. Valentine
The crew's mission when they go down in the Pacific
Rescue mission
The telephone
Louie's best mile time as a runner
What is 4:07.9 or 4:08
Sharks grow new _____________ throughout their lives
The most popular Valentine's day gift
What is PTSD
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Which is the dependent clause in "Because it's Valentine's Day, lots of people wore red."
Because it's Valentine's Day,
Louie's father's name
Who is Anthony [Zamperini]?
One risk when flying in a B-24.
What is [acceptable:] human error, mechanical malfunction, crashing, sharks, food, or becoming a POW/ getting captured by Japanese?
How many senses do sharks have?
Cupid, the Roman God of Love, is a cherub who strikes people with his _______________.
Louie's sisters' names
Virginia and Sylvia
Germany, Italy, Japan
The year Louie ran in the Olympics
What is 1936
What are Mae Wests?
Life jackets used when B-24's crashed.
The largest shark to have ever lived on earth
Daily Double!
The specific flower that symbolizes love
the red rose
The name of the airman who dies after the Nauru dogfight.
Harry Brooks
"And then I ______ _______ ________"
What is ran like mad?
The island where the crew lands after the Nauru dogfight
Cupid is supposedly _______________, just like love.
How long the crew has been at sea when they are shot at by an enemy plane
27 days