What is Yeshiva University?
Where is Jerusalem?
This person is known as Uncle Michael's "favorite nephew" (until March 2024)
Who is Nachi?
This is Uncle Michael's email
What is mfphoto1@verizon.net?
The city where Uncle Michael was born
What is Chicago
Where is Chevron?
Uncle Michael got sick after taking his niece/nephew to a restaurant with this cuisine style
What is yekke?
Uncle Michael attended this university for his undergrad.
What is University of TN at Martin?
Uncle Michael took part in this youth group and got an award along side Opa.
What are the Boys Scouts?
Where is 363 Meadowcrest Circle?
Where is NYC?
Uncle Michael and Nachi missed out on this jet-lag activity
Going to the Kotel at midnight
Uncle Michael attended this university for his masters
As a kid, Uncle Michael collected this item when travelling.
Where is Chicago?
This person rubbed their snot on Uncle Michael's arm as a child
Who is Yehudit?
This role was Uncle Michael's first job
What is an IRS auditor?
Aunt Debbie was forced to wear an eye patch because Uncle Michael hit her with this item from her craft kit.
What is a rope?
Where are the Indiana Dunes?
Where is Tzfat?
Uncle Michael often stole this from his nieces and nephews when they were kids
What is a nose?
Uncle Michael dressed up as this character from the Purim story
Uncle Michael did not want to eat at a restaurant in the smokey mountains, because he told Oma it looked like the place you would find _____ in the sugar bowl. Turns out, he was right.
What is gum?