This bias occurs when people follow the majority opinion to avoid conflict or feel included.
What is Groupthink/Bandwagon Bias?
A teacher overlooks a student’s progress because their most recent project was below average.
What is Recency Bias?
This practice helps when decisions, such as grades or awards, are based on clear, consistent criteria.
What is Using Rubrics?
This bias happens when positive impressions of someone overshadow their flaws.
What is Halo Bias?
A advisor assumes that a student who excels in History will naturally perform well in all subjects.
What is Halo Bias?
This technique helps reduce unconscious bias in grading by removing personal identifiers from assignments.
What is Blind Grading?
This bias makes people favor those who share their same background or characteristics.
What is In-Group Bias?
During a group discussion, most students agree with one classmate’s idea without critically evaluating it.
What is Groupthink/Bandwagon Bias?
This strategy involves asking colleagues to observe your classroom, swap assignments to grade and provide insights into your interactions with students.
What is Get Peer Feedback?
This bias occurs when you interpret information in a way that supports your existing beliefs.
What is Confirmation Bias?
A teacher consistently calls on the same group of students who actively raise their hands, reinforcing a bias toward extroverted learners.
Expectation Bias?
By spending time connecting with students individually, you can avoid making decisions based on stereotypes.
What is Build Relationships?
This bias occurs when someone is judged more harshly because of a single negative trait.
What is Horn Bias?
A teacher frequently calls on students who are members of the athletic team they coach, while unintentionally giving less attention to students who are not part of the team.
What is In-Group Bias?
This strategy helps uncover unconscious biases by taking time to evaluate what we think we know about students.
What is Reflect on Assumptions?