Which eel has the ability to extend its jaws backward making its head look like a balloon of nightmarish bear trap
Gulper Eel
Which sea creature is such an avid herbivore it becomes part plant thus resulting in a semi-photosynthetic animal
The Costasiella Sea Slug
What is the LONGEST sea creature in existence
Giant Siphonophore
Which fish is beautiful during the day and transforms into a snot bubble to sleep at night
Queen Parrotfish
When it beds down it secretes mucus until its entire body is covered in a bubble of it
The Bloodbelly Comb Jelly is known for 3 unique physical characteristics. Name them
1. Looks like a beating heart
2. Has celia which pulse like a heart beat
3. Colored a deep crimson with glowing lines coming from the pulses
Which shark looks like it has been stretched out with a rolling pin and spends a lot of time burrowed in the sand
What is the name of the creature that rides on royal colors and forms a symbiotic relationship with sea slugs
The Emperor Shrimp
Which fish has a completely see though head allowing you observe its brain and organs working
Pacific Barreleye Fish
This subspecies of anglerfish is known for growing hair like tentacles from its body which it uses to lure prey into its mouth. Named after an amphibian what is this creature called.
Hairy Frogfish
What is the name of the fish that looks like someone made a humanoid frog's body and then put an angry fish head on top of it
Hint: Its red and ready to throw down
Red Handfish
A 3 meter long several inch wide worm with jaws that can cut fish in half
Looks like a giant underwater centipede
What is the name of the abundant pink colored sea cucumber that moves using hydraulic legs
a Sea Pig
Which fish can survive for 2 months outside of the water by burrowing into rotten/wet/moist wood
Mangrove Rivelus
This fish looks like an "Ithorian" from star wars (the brown hammerhead shark guys) (Admiral Ackbar) and is known for its distinctly red lips. What is it called
Red-Lipped Batfish
The Hoff Crab likes to live in hyrothermal vents on the ocean floor and is known for 2 things that are different from others of its kind.
1. It is actually a lobster
2. It has HAIR which it uses to eat
This shark likes to live on the ocean floor and is known for a unique rug/carpet like protrusios that emerge from all over its body. What is it called
Hint: Wobble Wobble
Which worm form a bright multicolored forest with its buddies reminiscent of a town decorated for Christmas
The Christmas Tree Worm
Which fish has eyes on top of its head that look straight up, venomous spines, and can discharge electricity
The Stargazer Fish
This species of fish looks like someone put wings on a seahorse then covered it in spikes. What is it called
Hint: Decorative ethereal tube
Ornate Ghost Pipefish
Cockeyed Squid
Snipe Eels are known for being long thin eels with a certain physical attribute that sets them apart from the rest, what is it?
A serrated beak-like jaw
What is a Sea Angel
A translucent sea snail that looks like its flying through the water as it glows
Which fish appears in a rainbow of colors and has what appears to be a large alien brain looking bubble on tops of its head
This creature is adorable and looks like a someone put a colored sheet over a baby elephant. Typically associated with pancakes and takoyaki what is it called
Flapjack Octopus
What do Snailfish look like
Like an overgrown deep sea tadpole
BTW they are adorable