Which emotion is this?
How to deal with emotions?
What can cause...

The strong feeling of displeasure, more than feeling irritated or annoyed, because something unfair happened to you.

What is anger?


There are good feelings & bad feelings.

What is False? Feelings are not good or bad, right or wrong, they are just feelings. You have a choice in how you express them, which can result in positive or negative consequences


You are little angry, maybe frown on your face, but still do not feel hot on your face/body nor want to clench your fists.

What is annoyed?


Breathing in slowly, holding, then breathing out slowly

What is deep breathing?


First day at the new school, a new friend asks you your name and your face gets red and answer softly.

What can cause shy?


A feeling you have when you fear something bad will happen to you or someone else.

What is feeling afraid?


You can have more than one feeling at a time.

What is True?


You don't think you have any friends and feels left out.

What is lonely?


You use numbers to prevent you from getting more angry.

What is Counting?


Being home alone, someone is very ill, you hear strange noises, it's dark outside, etc.

What can cause fear?


Feeling ashamed because of your wrong actions.

What is guilty?


Other people can make me feel a certain way.

What is False? Our feelings come from our thoughts, so others do not have the power to make us feel bad unless we allow them to.


Your friend is scratching his head, looking around, and his eye brows are scrunched up.

What is confused?


You can use your 5 senses to make you feel less upset. What are those senses?

What is See, touch, hear, smell, taste?


Your friend does not give you a turn to play a toy and broke it, or someone insults you.

What can cause anger?


A feeling you may have when you are constantly thinking about something and are unsure of what the outcome will be.

What is worried?


Crying is a normal reaction to strong feelings.

What is True? Crying releases tension. Some scientists believe it releases stress hormones too, which is why we fell better after a good cry.


You can sense your body is at ease and relaxed when you lay down on your bed.

What is comfortable?


What are 2 things you can do using the sense of hearing to make you feel calm?

What is listening to happy music, trees blowing in the wind, a ticking clock, or distant traffic.


Plans you were looking forward to get cancelled, You get a lower grade on your test than you wanted or expected

What can cause disappointment?


A feeling you have when you are really looking forward to something.

What is excited?


Ignoring your feelings makes them go away.

What is false? Ignoring feelings only makes them grow more intense. Like a pressure valve, they will slowly seep out or explode in unintended and potentially harmful ways.


Your friends completely forgot your birthday last year, but you found that they are planning something this year, gathering ideas and trying to hide it from you.

What is hopeful?


What are the 2 benefits of talking to trusted adults/friends when you are sad?

They will try to provide support you. They can be a company. They can give you some options to solve a problem you didn't know before. 


You miss friends you haven't seen for a long time or haven't spent enough time with people you like.

What can cause sadness?
