Signs and Symptoms
Myth or Truth
Celebrities with a diagnosis
Anxiety and Depression
Coping Skills

There are three categories of symptoms in ADD: _______, _________, and __________.

What are hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity?


Once a person develops mental health problems, they never recover.

What is Myth?

Studies show that people with mental health problems get better and many recover completely. Recovery refers to the process where people are able to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their communities.


Which Olympic Swimmer spoke about his experience with depression:
 “I remember sitting in my room for four or five days not wanting to be alive, not talking to anybody, trying to self medicate with drugs. That was a struggle for me … I reached that point where I finally realized I couldn’t do it alone”

Who is Michael Phelps?


True or False.

A person can control when they have a panic attack.

What is False?

Panic attacks and sudden feelings of high anxiety and terror often occur without warning. A panic attack is caused by the body's alarm system (fight/flight/freeze), which is an unconscious system used to protect us from danger.


True or False?

Only people struggling with mental health diagnoses need to use coping skills.

What is False?


True or False?

Physical aches and pains can accompany depression.

What is true?


Everyone's experience of a mental health disorder (like depression) is the same.

What is Myth?

While there are similarities in the signs/symptoms a person with a mental health disorder can experience, not everyone's experience will be exactly the same. 

Age can also influence the experience of a mental health disorder. For example, Major Depression in teens/children might include more irritability than sadness.


 “My anxiety has anxiety … I’ve always had anxiety. I’ve never really spoken about it because I thought everyone had it". 

Which famous pop singer opened up about her battle with PTSD and anxiety following a bombing at a UK concert venue where she was preforming?

Who is Ariana Grande? 


_______ and ________ is the most effective combination of treating depression.

What is medication and therapy?


In your own words, define mindfulness, and provide three examples of mindfulness coping skills.

Mindfulness is the psychological process of purposely bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment without judgment.

Possible examples of mindfulness coping skills - yoga, meditation, mindfulness walk, deep breathing, and mindful eating.


Pounding of heart, shortness of breath, sweating, headache, fatigue, and insomnia, are all physical symptoms of which disorder?

What is Anxiety?

(will also accept panic disorder)


If someone in your family has a mental illness, you are more likely to develop one as well.

What is Truth?

Although you will not necessarily develop any kind of mental illness, if someone in your family already has a mental health disorder, you will be at greater risk for developing one.


Which famous author modeled "dementors", creatures that suck every happy emotion out of the series heros, and are famously used to trap wizard prisoners in their own minds, after her own experiences with clinical depression.

Who is J.K. Rowling?


True or False?

In the US, depression affects over 18 million adults (one in ten) in any given year and is the leading cause of disability for ages 15-44.

What is True?

Worldwide, depression affects over 300 million people, regardless of culture, age, gender, religion, race or economic status.


Joey's parents just told him they got an email from one of his teachers that said he's been on his phone too much in class. During the discussion, Joey starts feel angry, and notices that his breathing has changed and his voice has gotten louder. Name two coping skills that Joey can use to regulate and effectively communicate with his parents.

Coping skills Joey could use: 

Take a time out, go for a walk, exercise, splash cold water on his face, text a friend, journal, rip up paper, scream into a pillow, punch a punching bag, etc.


_______ are forms of intrusive, irrational thoughts or impulses, while ________ are acts that relieve the stress of the irrational thoughts.

What are obsessions and compulsions?


If you don't feel better after being in treatment for a month, there is nothing anyone can do.

What is Myth?

Mental health treatment is a long term process, and it is common for people to experience a lower mood/high anxiety in the first month of treatment. This does not mean the treatment isn't working or the person isn't trying hard enough - you are processing difficult things and learning new ways to cope. Its a process - be kind yourself!


This London-born singer broke 7 world records in 2012, and was named the most successful recording artist the history of the world as of 2016, and had a long history with anxiety. 

Who is Adele?


This type of psychotherapy, which helps treat anxiety, asks people to focus on their reactions to events, not changing the events themselves, and to identify and alter counterproductive thinking patterns that can contribute to anxiety.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?


Claire is struggling with having to stay inside as a result of a quarantine. Not being able to go outside and see her friends has left her feeling lonely, sad, and unmotivated. Claire's noticed over the last few days, she hasn't wanted to get out of bed or talk to friends. Name three things Claire can do to manage her depression and cope with the anxiety of being inside.

Coping skills Claire can use:

Go outside for a walk, journal, play an instrument, create a routine, focus on getting good sleep, make Skype date with a friend first thing in the morning, make your favorite meal, watch your favorite show, make art, read/listen to a book, set your favorite song as your alarm, etc.


Avoidance, dissociation, irritability, sleep disturbance, and hypervigilance are symptoms of _______.

What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?


Mental disorders are a consequence of personal weakness/failure or bad parenting.

What is Myth?

The main risk factors for mental illness are not bad parenting or personal weakness. The main risk factors are genetics, severe/prolonged exposure to stressors, other environmental influences, and brain chemistry.


“I had this notion when I was younger that if something didn’t work once, or if a therapist didn’t work, or if a medication didn’t work, that nothing would ever work,” she added. “I wish I could have told my younger self that something will work — it’s just going to take sometimes more research, sometimes more referrals, and really figuring things out like your life depends on it. Because for me, it did.”

As part of the #MyYoungerSelf campaign in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, Big Bang Theory star  _____________shared the above about her mental illness, ___________.

Who is Mayim Bialik? (character name: Amy Farah Fowler)

What is Depression? 


What are the six factors that are thought to contribute to the development of depression in an individual?

What is: trauma, genetics, chemical and physical changes in the brain, life circumstance, other medical conditions, and substance use/process addictions.


A box with a set of coping or grounding objects, such as putty, lavender, or fidgets, which each focusing on the five senses, is called what?

What is a self-soothe kit?
