Fact or Cap?
Was that racist?
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BIPOC people experience 4 or more microaggressions a day.



The cashier says  "don't you have food stamps?" to your parent when they are checking out at the grocery store.

Yes this statement can be racist - unless this cashier knows your family from coming into the store before, there is a good chance they are assuming your parent is paying with food stamps based on skin color.


What word means: daily, micro comments or actions that communicate that you don't belong or are not accepted here.



We want to build your understanding of racism and how it affects people, so you can learn to fight it. This will be done by increasing your _______ of discriminatory events.

Awareness (knowledge, insight, noticing)


If someone didn't mean for it to be racist, it's okay.

Cap. Microaggressions are deniable but that doesn't mean they are okay. Like a car accidents, just because they didn't mean to hit your car while driving, doesn't mean that they did not damage your car or that they don't need to take responsibility for the repairs.


A classmate says "That's amazing! I'm surprised you got an A." after you both get your grades back on a math test.

Yes this statement can be racist - unless this person is your friend or knows that math is hard for you, their statement implies that you wouldn't get A's because of your race.


What word refers to: physical and mental stress that comes from experiences of racism

Race-related stress


We want to support you in learning about the strengths of your heritage and taking pride in your culture so that when people try to challenge you or get you down, you will be able to hold your head high. We will do this through?



People of color start hearing microaggressions as early as age 6.



A woman walking by you at the mall says "your hair is so beautiful!".

This statement probably isn't racist  - it would become racist if this person were to reach out to touch your hair or follow this up with inappropriate comments or questions


What does BIPOC stand for?

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color


We will practice skills to help decrease your racial stress and help you fight back when you experience discrimination. We will does this through learning to __________ for ourselves.



Watching someone else go through a discriminatory event does not have an impact on you.

Cap. Watching someone be hurt by racist events, like being followed by a security guard in a store or being hurt by police officers, is called vicarious racism and it is a race-related stressor that adds to racial trauma.


If the soccer coach at your school approaches you and asks you to join the soccer team because "you're probably naturally athletic".

Yes this is statement can be racist - the soccer coach might think that they are giving you a compliment, but they are actually making assumptions based on your race.


When repeated racist experiences cause race-related stress, and that stress goes on for so long that the person is exhausted but has to continue coping with racism leaving them angry, hurt, anxious, and at times feeling helpless or hopeless. This is called?

Racial Trauma


Group therapy helps build community, make friends, decrease anxiousness, anger, and depressed mood, and help with your general __________.

