Islam embraces the full application of what?
Shariah law
The transcendental state of peace that comes through the release of suffering, self and Karmic bondage
According to PM, what affects how we see the world?
Culture, Language, Gender
The problem with humanity lies within the oppressive nature of whom?
The Bourgeoisie
Paul confronted professional philosophers of his day
Acts 17
The majority of Muslims belong to this sect
Sunni Islam
According to New Spirituality, the physical world we perceive is what?
Merely an illusion
According to PM, Truth is...
Socially Constructed
False - advancing the cause of the proletariat
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God; Take every thought captive
2nd Corinthians 10:5
Shariah law includes the full implementation of all but which of these practices: Child Sacrifice, Slavery, Wife beating, Taxation of non-muslims living in Muslim lands
Child Sacrifice
The God of New Spirituality is what?
An impersonal force
Who said "God is Dead"
Friedrich Nietzsche
For the Marxist, salvation comes through overthrowing what?
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
Romans 12:2
Name the three key sources of Islamic teaching
Quran, Hadith, Sunnah
According to New Spirituality, what is the goal of reincarnation
To cleanse our Karmic debt; to reconnect with consciousness; to rid ourselves of individualism
According to PM, language functions as...
A tool of power and manipulation
The belief that economics ultimately determines the entire course of history
Economic Determinism
See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit...
Colossians 2:8
The word Islam means
Terms that are synonymous with New Spirituality
New Age; Higher Consciousness, Transcendentalism
Areas where Christians and PM can agree
Language can be used to manipulate people; Culture plays a role in shaping who we are; Experiences contribute to who we are
The belief that only the material world exists and that class struggles are the mechanism behind social and economic progress
Dialectical Materialism
...being always prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you...with gentleness and respect
1 Peter 3:15