Types of Teams
Team Benefits
Team Challenges
Characteristics and Behaviors
Leading and Contributing to Teams

These are the six different types of teams, as described on the handout.

What is the Functional Work team, the Inter-Working team, the Troubleshooting team, the Self-Managed team, the Project Team and the Task Force team?


Organizations can benefit from assembling teams within their organization because the formation of teams allow for more thorough and efficient _________ _________.

What is Problem Solving?

This is the challenge that team leaders can easily avoid by working to involve everyone in the team meeting or gathering.

What is low engagement?


An effective team will do this before they even start a meeting or a discussion.

What is setting a clear direction?


It is a good idea to provide ample ________ for your employees as a leader/manager.

What is training?


This type of team is a team where all members belong to the same department, and all report to the same manager.

What is the Functional Work team?


Organizations who assemble teams more often among their employees usually enjoy higher ______ rates and less employee _______.

What is retention and turnover?


__________ and ___________ can enhance trust between employees and and co-workers. 

What is team-building activities and working closely together?


Team members need to be able to share each other's feelings and show support/understanding. This is called being _________.

What is empathetic?


In order to be a good leader, create and maintain a collaborative culture. This will not only encourage ideas but be another way to instill ______ between you and your team.

What is trust?


This type of team is a team made up of people who work at the same level, but in different departments.

What is the Inter-Working team?


Brainstorming as a team allows for more _______ and ________ ideas to come about and flourish.

What is creative and innovative?


This is when leaders re expected to be good role models for their employees, and this is something most leaders are not good at.

What is transparency?


Excellent team members have mastered the art of listening to _______ rather than listening to ________.

What is listening to understand rather than listening to reply?


This teamwork-related term means to work with someone to share ideas and to produce something.

What is Collaboration?


This type of team is usually brought together only when special or emergency situations arise, and is made up of the best in the company.

What is the Task Force team?


Assembling teams within your organization can help develop this feeling between the involved employees.

What is trust?


Employees should avoid this style of working, and realize that the person working next to them is a part of their team, and should engage with them rather than ignore them. 

What is silo working?


Team members need to keep an ______ mind in order to for the meeting to be successful.

What is an open mind?


This is the business-related term for when a group breaks down a project into manageable tasks and divides them among members.

What is delegation?


This type of team does not have a formal leader, and is made up of different minds in the organization collaborating on the same ideas. However, they do not implement their ideas.

What is the Self-Managed team?


Employees who work in teams will be more likely to develop good _______ ________ skills, which can help in all aspects of their careers.

What is Conflict Resolution?


Employees and members of a team should adopt this way of thinking in order to drive business success.

What is forward thinking, or seeing the big picture?


This is the way a good team member is expected to think, or the mindset they are expected to have. 

What is thinking mutually, or thinking for the good of the team/organization?


A good communicator asks questions in meetings but also does these two things on a regular basis.

What is gives updates on their progresses and coordinates schedules with teammates?