which obscure item allows you to teleport and skip cutscenes
Punch Card
What is asriel dreemurr a anagram of?
Serial Murderer
This is au swaps the roles of the characters around
Name one of the leitmotifs used in ASGORE
Heartache or Determination
During the leaf puzzle. You can fall down 10 times and the game lets you walk on the puzzle without falling. What does this allow you to do?
Clip out of bounds through a wall with no collision (nice game toby)
When entering gasters name in the naming menu. What does undertale do?
This comic is generally considered one of if not the first undertale au ever. Created 8 days after undertale's release
Dreemurr Reborn
what is the only song that appears in the individual releases of the soundtrack, but not undertale itself
Song that might play when you fight sans
This version of the game has 1 frame of input delay. Which version is this?
who is the only major character with colour in their battle sprite
This song only uses samples from Earthbound. What song is it?
In the room after sans's hotdog stand, there will be multiple alphys notifications. There is a way to avoid all of them. How is this done?
By staying at the bottom of the room
When was megalovania first seen?
2008, In the earthbound halloween rom hack
In the undertale version 1.001. When fleeing from toriel, what happens?
The game updates your interact value every frame. Meaning you cant open your menu, and will always wrong warp you when going into a room
How many songs does the undertale ost have