(Sea creatures)
What is the worlds largest predator?
A) Great White Shark
B) Sperm Whale
C) Giant octopus
Sperm Whale!
Sperm whales are the world's largest predator, with males reaching lengths of up to 67 feet (20.5 meters) and weights of up to 90 tons (81 metric tons). Females are slightly smaller, reaching lengths of up to 33 feet (10 meters). Sperm whales are found in all the world's oceans, but prefer deep waters.
True or false: some animals that live in the ocean have fur/hair?
Many underwater animals have hair or fur, including sea otters, seals, sea lions.
Fun Fact: Sea lions produce loud roars help explain why they're named after lions. Males of some sea lion species even grow thick manes around their necks.
Most sea lion pups are born in late June. Pups are well developed at birth. Their eyes are open, they can vocalize, and even swim a little. Several days after the pup's birth, the mother leaves the pup in the crowded rookery as she searches for food in the ocean. When she returns, the mother emits a loud trumpeting vocalization, which elicits a bleating response from her pup. This exchange continues until the mother and pup find each other. She makes her final identification by smelling her pup.
I have a long nose named after a weapon.
Fun facts:
Swordfish are one of the fastest predators in the ocean, swimming up to 60 miles per hour
Great white sharks can detect a colony of seals from:
A) 2 miles away
B) 3 miles away
C) 4 miles away
2 miles away.
On average, they grow to around 4.6m long, but some great whites have been measured at 6m – that’s half the length of a bus!
Any creature unlucky enough to find itself in the gob of a great white is in for a nasty shock! Because this marine beast’s mouth is equipped with a set of 300 sharp, triangular teeth arranged in up to seven rows.
True or false: all animals that live in the ocean breathe under water.
Many animals live in the ocean but can't breathe underwater, including:
I have two very long teeth (called tusk) that poke out of my mouth. I am a mammal.
Walruses are known for their large tusks, which they use for many things, including digging into ice and snow, hauling themselves out of the water, and establishing social dominance.
This type of whale has a murderous nickname, and in recent years groups of them have been known to tip over boats.
Orcas - AKA Killer Whales
True or false: both fish and mammals live in the ocean
Marine mammals are classified into four different taxonomic groups: cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses), sirenians (manatees and dugongs), and marine fissipeds (polar bears and sea otters)
I am the little slits on the side of a fish that allow it to breathe.
G ______
Fish can breathe underwater by using their gills. Gills enable fish to get oxygen out of the water, just like you get oxygen out of the air. Fish gills look a little like a row of tiny hairbrushes with the bristles turned towards the outside of the fish's body.
This animal traps and kills other fish by stinging them with their long tentacles.
Jelly fish!
Jellyfish are mostly water
Jellyfish are made up of 95–98% water. When they wash ashore, they can evaporate into the air within hours.
Jellyfish can be immortal
The Turritopsis dohrnii, also known as the immortal jellyfish, can potentially live forever. When threatened, it can undergo cellular transdifferentiation, which essentially makes its cells new again.
The Australian Box Jellyfish is the most venomous marine animal
A sting from the Australian Box Jellyfish can lead to cardiac arrest, paralysis, and death within minutes
True or false: MOST fish are hatched from eggs
The methods of reproduction in fishes are varied, but most fishes lay a large number of small eggs, fertilized and scattered outside of the body.
I keep a beautiful white ball inside me that is worth lots of money. Women like to wear it around their necks.
An oyster!
Pearls form when a mollusk, like an oyster or mussel, secretes layers of nacre around an irritant that enters its shell. Nacre is a calcium carbonate material that also makes up the mollusk's shell, and is also known as mother-of-pearl. The irritant can be a natural object, like a grain of sand or a worm, or a man-made object, like a bead placed by a pearl farmer.
(Fast forward:)
This predator squirts out black fluid, blinding and disorienting their prey.
Giant Squid.
True or False: dolphins are fish.
Dolphins are mammals.
1. Dolphins Are Carnivores
Dolphins eat a wide variety of foods, including fish, squid, octopus, crustaceans, cephalopods, and other marine life.
2. Dolphins Only Sleep with Half of Their Brain
Dolphins and whales sleep in an unusual way. Called “unihemispheric slow-wave sleep,” it basically means that they sleep with only half of their brain. When a dolphin goes to sleep, it shuts down one hemisphere of its brain and closes the opposite eye. This allows the dolphin to monitor what’s going on around them and to regulate breathing.
I have one extremely long tooth that comes out of my mouth and looks a horn on my head. I am sometimes called the unicorn of the sea.
Tusks are teeth
A narwhal's tusk is actually a massive canine tooth that grows out of the upper lip in a spiral pattern
Sensory organ
A narwhal's tusk is a sensory organ with millions of nerve endings. It's thought that narwhals use their tusks to communicate and for feeding.
I am the worst sea animal predator, though I'm not very big. I kill millions of sea creatures every day, harming fish populations, and hurting the ocean. I have no scales, or gills.
Humans are the world's biggest predator and have a much greater impact on the ocean than other predators.
True or false: lobsters have 8 legs for walking?
Amazingly, lobsters can amputate their own claws and legs (called autotomy) to escape danger. A lobster can drop its claw as a way to release itself from a predator's grasp or to distract them. A lost leg is slowly regenerated through successive molts of the lobster's exoskeleton.
I have 5 points.
I can be male and female at the same time.
I am sponebob's best friend.
A starfish!
Starfish can regenerate lost limbs, and it can take up to a year for a limb to grow back. They may lose limbs to predators, or they may amputate them to escape or hide
Some species are simultaneous hermaphrodites, producing eggs and sperm at the same time, and in a few of these the same gonad, called an ovotestis, produces both eggs and sperm. Other starfish are sequential hermaphrodites. Meaning they choose when to produce eggs, and when to produce sperm.