Name one location where fertile soil is found
The United States, Europe, India
Who has the biggest supply of oil
Middle East
Wealthy countries use their resources to make
Fertile soil is discovered in which type of climate
Mild Temperatures, High Precipitation
What percent does North America have of the world's oil supply
Double Jeopardy
Name one place where metals & minerals are found
The United States, Africa, Europe, Australia
What is the cause of the uneven distribution of resources
Humans are destroying environments and decreasing
What climate is necessary for biodiversity
Perfect Temperatures
South America has how much percent of oil in the world
In what two locations can biodiversity be found
South America, Africa, China
What three resources are abundant in The United States
Double Jeopardy
Fertile Soil, Fossil Fuels, Metals & Minerals
There will be a lack of jobs if resources
Fossil fuels formed due to
Organism Remains
What percentage of oil does Africa possess
Fossil fuels are found in which two locations
Canada, The United States, Mexico, Russia, India, Kazakhstan
What is one con of trading resources
Economic Collapse, Resources Getting Wasted
If we run out of resources it can cause
Economic Collapse
Which past process lead to the creation of metals & minerals
Double Jeopardy
Tectonic plates
How much of Earth's oil does Eurasia contain
What are all locations where uranium is found
Double Jeopardy
Canada, Russia, Australia
Where are metals & minerals found near
Tectonic Plates, Volcanic Activity
The increased demand for natural resources during the 1800s and 1900s caused
The current making of metals & minerals is caused by
Volcanic Activity
What percent of oil does Europe have