translate "volunt"
They want
translate "sumus"
we are
translate "audio, audire, audivi"
to hear
you are not able to remain in the street
which word is the infinitive of "porto, portare, portavi" AND How do you translate the infinitive of this word?
"portare" - to carry
translate "nolumus"
we do not want
compose "they do not want"
translate "effugio, effugere, effugi"
to escape
iuvenes canem audire nolunt.
The youths do not want to hear the dog.
translate "cibum vendere volo."
I want to sell food
compose "You are able"
compose "y'all want"
translate "iuvenis, iuvenis, m/f"
youth, young person
Faustus et Gisco latrinam visitare nolunt.
Faustus and Gisco do not want to visit the bathroom
give all forms of the verb "to be"
sum sumus
es estis
est sunt
give all the forms of "volo, velle"
volo volumus
vis vultis
vult volunt
compose "there is"
beautiful, handsome
"per cloacam effugere non potes!"
You are not able to escape through the sewer!
iuvenis palaestram intrat, ubi amicōs quaerit.
the young man enters the gym, where he looks for his friends.
give all the forms AND translations for "nolo, nolle, nolui"
nolo nolumus
non vis non vultis
non vult nolunt
compose "we want"
nominative singular, genitive singular, and gender for the word meaning "night"
nox, noctis, f
servī portam aperiunt et in cloacam saliunt.
estis laetī? nunc vos me videre potestis!
Are you happy? Now y'all are able to see me!