What does "Acostarse (o->ue)" mean is English?
What is "To go to sleep"
What is a "Hermanastr@" in English?
What is a step-sibling
what does "Cada Dia" mean in English?
What is every day
What is "To cook"
What does "Ir de Caminata" mean in English?
What is "To take a walk"
What does "Cepillarse los dientes" mean in English?
What is "To brush your teeth"
What are "Los parientes" in English?
What are relatives
What does "cada semana" in English?
What is every week
"Lavar los platos" is "To wash the dishes" in Spanish. How do you say "To wash the Clothes"?
What is "Lavar la ropa"
Is "Jugar juegos de mesa" "To play video games or "to play board/table games?
What is "To play Board/Table games"
What is "To shower" and "To take a bath" In Spanish?
What is "ducharse" and "Banarse"
True or false, the only difference between the words "Step-mom" and "Step-dad" are 2 letters.
What is true
How do you say "Always" In Spanish?
What is Siempre
How do you say "To clean the Bathroom" and "To clean the bedroom" in Spanish?
What is "Limpiar el bano" and "Limpiar el dormitorio"
How do you say "To go camping" in Spanish?
What is "Ir de campamento"
What does "Me encanta banarse" mean in English?
What is "I love to take a bath"
How do you say "Only Child" in Spanish?
How do you say "Never" is Spanish?
What is Nunca
Does "poner la mesa" mean "to set the table", or "to clear the table"?
What is "To set the table"
How do you say "To go on vacation" in Spanish?
What is "Ir de vacaciones"
How do you say "I get myself up, then I put on clothes"
what is "Levantarme, entonces me pongo la ropa."
How do you say Oldest, Youngest, and Middle Child In Spanish?
Hij@ Mayor, Hij@ menor, and Hij@ del medio
How do you say "Sometimes" in spanish?
What i "a veces"
How do you say "To take out the trash" in Spanish?
What is "sacar la basura"
What is "To play with dolls" In Spanish?
What is "jugar con munecos"