the following organization hierarchy purposes in Finance and Operations controls the spending limits for a business
What is Signature Authority Internal Control
What are Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), All Microsoft Dynamics Products & Azure Active Directory
The missing Brick in the Security Achitecture
* Role
* Duty
* Permission
What is Privileges
Is used for In/Export in D365FO
Data Entities
Is creating repetitions for batchjobs
What is Recurrences
Two out of the 9 Operating units
Cost center
Business unit
Value stream
Retail channel
Rental Location
Is the name of the final go live Environment
What is a Production Environment
The Security Architecture that helps easy customization of requirements fit
What is Rolebased-Security
IS the full length of the abbreviation DMF
Data Management Framework
The next statement in the hierachy: Batch Groups > Batch Jobs > ________
What is Batch Tasks
The following organization hierarchy purposes in Finance and Operations defines purchasing policies for a business?
What is Procurement internal control
Creating a ________ is recommended as the first step before connecting to an LCS project to retrieve task recordings
What is Business Process Modeler
Is used for creating your own SQL-database through Azure portal and D365 configuration
_____, _____ & _____ Is 3 of the 8 Party Roles
What are Prospects, Customers, Worker, User, Vendor, Competitor, Applicant, Contact
Module where new Legal entitis are created
What is Organization administration
This is where all the Packages for you environment is stored
What is Asset Library
Use ______ to comply with regulatory requirements, such as those from Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
What is Segregation of duties
Are the applications used for User Acceptance Testing (RSAT)
D365FO (Task Recorder) --> LCS --> Azure DevOps --> RSAT
Creates a more user friendly experience through gathering relevant forms and jobs from D365
What is a Workspace
The template that has to be created before Working times
What is Working time templates
Is used for Analyzing and monitoring the health of your environment using metrics such as component, environment, project, and organization
What is environment monitoring
The Primary Identifier for authentication in D365FO
Microsoft Azure Active Directory
Is the integration pattern used for Synchronous Integration Scenarios
AOS is an Abbreviation for __________
What is Application Object Server