The number of people on the Executive Board.
What is 15?
The location that the Specialty Reps work from.
What is the In-Plant?
This person can represent you in a discipline matter during your meeting with management.
Who is your In-Plant rep?
The two Standing Committees that are the most active.
What are the Recreation Committee and the Women's Committee?
Responsibility for overseeing the Standing Committees, running the local, building links in the community and taking care of all the local's interests not related to the collective agreement, is held by this part of leadership.
What is the Executive Board?
The frequency that the Executive Board has their meetings.
What is monthly?
The number of Specialty Reps that we have at CAMI?
What is 12?
The number of Full Time Committeeperson's right now.
What is 7?
The Union in Politics Main Event.
What is hosting the local All Candidate's Meetings during election times?
The person delegated to prepare Strike Preparations during Collective Bargaining. (Just in case)
Who is the Vice-President, Steven Pye?
The Executive Board members act as Liaisons for these groups within our local.
What are Standing Committees?
The person I would get ahold of if I was struggling to reach the area I had to work in on the vehicle.
Who is the Ergonomics Rep, Alan Grace?
The best way to get ahold of your Committeeperson.
What is their cellphone?
The Recreation Committee's Main Event each year?
What is the Labour Day BBQ?
The part of leadership that ensures that all of our assets are accounted for.
Who are our Trustees, Juli Franklin, Stacey Scott and Amy Durston?
The number of Members-at-Large on the Executive Board.
What is 6?
The person who could help me if I felt that something in my job could potentially cause injury to myself or others.
Who are the Health and Safety Reps?
The zone with the most representation.
What is South Zone (T02, 03, 04, 51, Quality, Repair, Battery, & Battery M/H)?
Something all of our Standing Committee's need to keep doing what they do.
What are volunteers?
The person you should go to if you feel you weren't properly represented by your union rep.
Who is our Plant Chairperson, Mike Van Boekel?
The number of our units represented on our Executive Board.
What is 2?
The rep that can help members the most, who want to eventually become Skilled Trades in the plant.
Who is our Apprenticeship Rep, Chris Ciolfi?
The way to find a rep's contact information.
What is the Unifor Local 88's website?
This is how the positions of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Recording Secretary are filled in the Standing Committees.
What is an election?
The person to contact to access counselling (financial, marital, personal, etc).
Who is the EFAP Rep, Dave Simmons?