Travel in a timely manner
Travel with a partner or your class.
Make sure you have a door pass.
What is organization in the hallways?
Be a good listener, hands to self and stay off the walls.
What is achievement in the hallways?
Use Level 1 voice Keep hands, feet, and belongings to yourself.
Use respect words: excuse me, I’m sorry, Yes/No Ma’am/Sir, please
What is respectful hallway behavior?
You are given this in recognition of SOAR behavior.
What is a Eagle Buck?
Get all meal supplies before exiting the meal line.
What is organization in the cafeteria?
Make Healthy choices by picking up a fruit everyday.
What is achievement in the cafeteria?
Clean your area
Report spills
Obey rules
What is respectful cafeteria behavior?
You get to spend Eagle Bucks everyother Monday during resource.
What is the PBS school store?
Be prepared daily,
Focus on learning arrive/dismiss on time
What is organization in the classroom?
Listen attentively, follow directions. Complete ALL assignments
What is achievement in the classroom?
Use inside voice while talking with your neighbor
Use your manners. Be positive with your words and actions
What is respectful classroom behavior?
If you receive no write ups for a whole week, your bus driver will choose....
What is a Bus Eagle of the Week?
Travel in a timely manner
Travel with a partner or your class.Make sure you have a door pass.
What is organization in the hallway
Take turns Share equipment
What is achievement on the playground?
Include others,
Respect school property
Talk disagreements out
What is respectful playground behavior?
This is an piece of paper Ms. Kelsey or Ms. Katrina give out. (And hopefully you never receive one of these.)
What is the discipline referral form?
Ask, use, wash your hands, quickly return to class.
What is responsible bathroom behavior?
Be quick,Be quiet, Be clean!
What is organization in the restroom?
Follow bus rules
Listen for instructions for the driver
What is achievement on the bus?
Flush, Respect privacy of others
Report low supplies to your teacher Put trash in receptacle
What is respectful bathroom behavior?
Positive Behavior Support
What is PBS?