Romance in Movies
Loves effect on the mind and body
Valentines Day
Healthy Relationships
Romance in Other Media

The name of the female character in Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

Who is Belle?


Love is an addiction is comparative to other addictions like drugs or alcohol.(True or False?)

What is TRUE? 


This is one of three of the top gifts to give at Valentines day.

What are:

1. Candy/Sweets

2. Greeting Cards

3. Flowers


This is the most important but often the hardest word to say when setting boundaries.

What is "no"?


This Shakespearian play ends with two lovers taking their own lives to be with the other.

What is Romeo and Juliet?


This Classic 1942 film starring  Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, has the line "Here's looking at you kid."

What is Casablanca?


This common saying is a warning of the chemical affects of love that cause people to miss red flags.

What is "Love is blind"?


What does XOXO stand for? 

Hugs and kisses or, more specifically, kiss, hug, kiss, hug


There is only one way an abusive relationship looks (True or False)

What is FALSE? Every abusive relationship will look different.


This is the name of the princess that Mario rescues in the Super Mario franchise.

Who is Princes Peach?


This is the name of the necklace thrown into the ocean at the end of the movie Titanic.

What is the Heart of the Ocean?


Between people in long term relationships, people who are single, and people who are just getting into a relationship, which group has the least amount of stress(on average).

What is in order from least to greatest

long term relationship -> people who are single -> people just falling in love?


This is what a red rose stands for.

What is romance, love, beauty, and courage?


According to the Mayo Clinic, these are some ways to nurture a healthy relationship. Give 2 examples

What is:

* Be kind

*Be a good listener 

* Open up 

* Be trustworthy

* Use coping skills during high emotions.


The singer of the 2008 song  Love Story

Who is Taylor Swift?


The 2004 movie is told from the perspective of  the husband reading their love story to his wife with Alzheimer. 

What is The Notebook?


According to MRI scans, people who have been married for decades show similar signs of love as those who have just fallen in love. (True or False)

What is TRUE? A study “Neural correlates of long-term intense romantic love” in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience found this to be true


This is the person valentines day is named after. 

Who is St. Valentines.


Not everyone wants a relationship! This is the sexual and/or romantic orientation where someone is not attracted to anyone. 

What is asexual and/or aromatic 


The author of classic romance novels such as Sense and Sensibility, and Pride and Prejudice. 

Who is Jane Austen?


This 2004 movie featuring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet sees two people trying to erase their memory of the other but ultimately falling in love again. 

What is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?


This brain chemical is often referred to as the "cuddle  hormone" or the "love hormone".

What is oxytocin?


This is the century Valentine’s Day start to be associated with romance and love.

What is 14th Century?


This is an example of setting a healthy boundary. (Be personal if you feel comfortable)



This love song was the Beatles debut single in 1962. 

What is Love Me Do?
