Which word means the lens by which you see the world and make sense of it?
True of False: The First Amendment has two provisions concerning religion known as the Free Exercise Clause and the Establishment Clause.
What was the language of the Old Testament originally written in?
What writing canvas was made from skinned animals, tanned leather and used by the Greeks, Persians and Hebrews?
Who translated the Bible into Latin? (Latin Vulgate)
Saint Jerome
Which Renaissance man was responsible for "The Last Supper?"
Leonardo Di Vinci
Name 3 types of worldviews
Postmodernism, naturalism, theism, etc..
Which book of the Bible appears the earliest? Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, or Numbers?
List one skill for developing a Christian worldview.
understanding the Biblical story as a whole, reading Bible verses in context, see that the Bible speaks to all aspects of life, understanding the Bible has the best answers for what is real
Which version of the Bible was translated into England in 1611 and has sold more copies than any other version in history?
King James Version
Who invented the printing press, allowing Bibles to be mass produced, making them available to more people?
The sculpture known as "The Pieta" depicts which famous Biblical scene?
Mary holding the crucified body of Jesus
Which of the following describes the Pre-Babylonian Hebrew writing style?
No spaces, no vowels, written right to left
Which manuscripts were discovered in Israeli caves in 1947 and widely considered to be the greatest archeological discovery of the 20th century?
Dead Sea Scrolls
Which book of the Bible appears the earliest? Mark, Luke, Matthew, of John?
Which Renaissance artist and sculptor was responsible for the Sistine Chapel and statue of David?
What was the name of the original translation of the Bible from Hebrew into Greek? (the first Greek translation)
How many books are found in the Hebrew Bible?
Which of the following is NOT one of the Dead Sea Scrolls? Copper, War, Revelation, Giant Isaiah, Community Rule
Which version of the Bible, created in 1978, is the most widely sold of the contemporary Biblical versions?
New International Version (NIV)
Which book of the Bible has been translated in over 800 languages?
Which supreme court case from 1952 makes release time Bible education legal?
Zorach vs. Clauson
Which of the following is only found in the Catholic Bible? Exodus, Mark, 1st Maccabees, or Revelation
1st Maccabees
Which medium for receiving writing was developed around the Nile river using thin strips of reeds laid together?
Put these books in the correct order they appear in the Protestant version of the Bible: Ruth, Joshua, 1st Samuel, Judges
Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st Samuel