Because it moves forward from a beginning point.
Why is communication considered a process?
Breathe & Sound, Resonance, and Articulation
What are the three elements of vocal production?
A person with knowledge and skills in the area of communication, someone who always seems to know what to do and say in any situation.
What is a competent communicator?
Self-concept is based on one's own perceptions of how one fits into the world. Self-esteem is a person's opinion of themselves based on their self-concept.
What is the difference between self-concept and self-esteem?
Ability to Keep Secrets, Loyalty, Warmth, Support, and Honesty
What are the six characteristics of friendship?
Interpersonal, Group, Public, & Interpretive
What are the four communication situations?
1) Keep shoulders level.
2) Swell diaphragm upon inhalation.
3) Breathe through the nose.
What is the proper way to breathe?
1) Sharing Information
2) Discussing Feelings
3) Using Persuasion
4) Following Social Rituals
5) Using Imagination
What are the five communication acts?
How you see yourself, how you would like to be, how you think others see you, and how others actually see you
What are the four parts of self-concept?
First Meetings, Becoming Acquaintances, Becoming Friends, Becoming Best Friends
What are the four stages of friendship?
Verbal Messages, Nonverbal Messages, Perception, Channel, Feedback, & Context
What are the six essential elements of communication?
Receiving, Interpreting, Evaluating, and Responding.
What are the four steps in the listening process?
1) Thinking of Strategies
2) Selecting a Strategy
3) Acting on the Strategy
4) Evaluate the Result
What are the four competency steps used by competent communicators?
1) Evaluate themselves honestly, 2) Set Realistic Goals, 3) Support themselves, 4) Support Others
Assuming something about someone because of the actions or assumptions about their character.
What is stereotyping?
Because it lets the speaker understand how their message is received and adjust if they are not communicating well.
Why is feedback important in communication?
Informational, Critical, Creative, & Empathic.
What are the four types of listening?
Sharing personal info, sharing feelings, empathy, listening, support, and constructive criticism.
What are the six communication building blocks, or skills, of friendship?
This thing affects communication in the channel negatively because it can distract a person from speaking or listening effectively.
What is noise in the channel?
External Barriers, Speaker Barriers, and Listener Barriers.
What are the three barriers to listening?
The type of communication that goes on between friends and in close relationships. It's built on trust and sharing.
What is interpersonal communication?