Dogs Breakfast
French Revolution 1
French Revolution 2
Triumph of Nationalism
This expression of nationalism is best exemplified by places like China Town 
Who is ethnic nationalism
This philosopher would have justified the reign of Louis XIV because he believed that without it, life would be 'nasty, brutish and short'
Who is Tomas Hobbes
The first revolutionary act by members of all three Estates in protest of the King's unwillingness to reform; It was immortalized in a famous painting and later led to the creation of the National Assembly
What is the Tennis Court Oath
This monarch in France was the last real absolute king of France. He was also known as the 'Sun King'
Who is King Louis XIV (14th)
Napoleons downfall began when he invaded this country in retaliation for them violating the Continental System imposed on them by France
What is Russia
A national holiday in France that occurs on the anniversary of this famous event of the French Revolution. It occurs every July 14th
What is the storming of the Bastille prison in France
The name of the finance minister under Louis XVI who advocated tax reform
Who was Jacques Necker.
A list of grievances towards the monarchy in France; some historians consider it a terrible decision by the King as implied action would be taken to fix the problems but none came.

What were the cahiers.

This declaration, sworn in 1789, was based upon ideas of the American Declaration of Independence
What is Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
Napoleon was defeated at the battle of Waterloo and exiled. First to Elba, then to this place where he eventually died a prisoner.
What is St. Helena
This expression of nationalism was the primary motivation of the Jacobins during the later stages of the revolution.
What is civic nationalism.
He was considered the architect of Italian unification who supported 'the King of the North' in a unified Italy.
Who was Count Cavour
This supra-nationalist oganization was created after WW1 to ensure future wars woulnt occur. It failed.
What is the League of Nations
The name fo the island Napoleon was first exiled to and later escaped from to begin his short lived 100 days of rule
What is Elba
What was the name of the alliance formed after the defeat of Napoleon to ensure the 'fires of revolution' did not threaten European monarchs in the future.
What is the Quadruple Alliance
This person led a revolt against the crown in Southern Italy in order to unify the nation 
Who was Garibaldi
This Austrian Prince orchestrated an alliance designed to ensure no liberal reforms or revolutions would threaten the aristocracy. 
Who was Metternich
This group was given executive power following the Reign of Terror.  Unfortunately the five of them were corrupt and inept.
What was the Directory
The architect of the Reign of terror, he also met his fate under the blade of the Guillotine
Who is Robspierre
List 2 goals of the Congress of Vienna
What is restore monarchs to thrones, re-draw the maps of Europe to old boundaries
Expressing concern over climate change while driving to work at an oil sands mine in Fort MacMurray is an example of this dilemma created by nationalism.
What are conflicting loyalties.
A prominent French soldier, he spent time in America supporting the revolutionaries in their efforts against Britain. He was later forced to flee France during the radical phase of the French Revolution.
Who was Lafayette
Following the deposing of Napoleon by the  Congress of Vienna, the French people proved their commitment to liberal reform by:
What is revolutions in 1848 and 1850 that rejected imposed kings Louis 18th and Charles 10th.
This law making body which took over the legislative powers of the government during the most violent phase of the French Revolution and largely run by the Jacobins.
What is the National Convention
The name of the Austrian Prince who hosted the Congress of Vienna
Who is Prince Metternich