True or False.
It is okay to wear pajama pants to an interview.
The video of Bon Qui Qui was a representation of bad _ _.
Customer Service
What is the scientific study of children from conception to adolescence?
Child Development
Non-Verbal, Verbal, Writing, and Listening are all forms of what?
What is one of Ms. Dunn's Pet Peeves?
Do not leave my room without permission, being rude, lying, chaos/mess
Aidan has an interview at a local coffee shop. Aidan is planning to wear khaki pants, a collared shirt, with flip flops. Would this be an appropriate option?
What is being able to understand and share feelings of another?
What are the four domains of child development?
Physical, Intellectual, Social, Emotional
What form of communication is(are) described below?
Anna walks into the break room at lunch with a smile on her face, she greets her coworker with a hug.
non verbal
What do you do when entering the classroom?
Look at the board for instructions
The 4 types of personal hygiene discussed in class were:
Body Hygiene, Nail Hygiene, Hair Hygiene and _.
Dental Hygiene
Bullying a coworker online is considered cyberbullying and one can be charged with what?
In this stage a child grows from a cell to a single organism.
Neonatal or Pregnancy
What type of communication describes a person in a meeting while their boss presents?
What is the policy if I turn in late work for 3 days late?
20 points deducted from the grade earned
Shaylee is preparing for a job interview with a Law Firm in Austin, TX. The dress attire expected would be business ____________.
This includes all of the traits that are passed down to a child from blood relatives.
Heredity or Nature
What is a change in the sound/pitch of your voice?
Destiny is out for a week. When she returns she is given a few assignments to complete. Destiny is so tired so her friend Rachel says "i'll do it for you!".
This is what?
Academic Dishonesty OR Cheating
Provide the changes that should be made:
Tara has an interview this morning with McDonalds. Tara is wearing dark jeans, a Drake T-Shirt, and cute sandals. Tara was running late and forgot to brush her hair this morning. Her teeth are brushed, her hair is clean, and she put deodorant on this morning. As she is walking in, she is picking the dirt from under her nails.
- Change Shirt
- Brush / Fix Hair
- Clean Nails/Hands
Terence has a strong belief in himself that he is capable of executing his goals in his work and personal life. He has strong what?
A child is born from two parents who both are very smart, pretty athletic, and appear to not have many issues in their families. Around age 3, the parents begin to argue and yell in front of the child. This would be an example of what being compromised for the child's development?
Environment, Nuture
What form of communication is described below?
Bailey is very shy. She has been working up the courage to speak to her coworker next door for weeks. Bailey first decides to send a text asking if she is available. When she is available, Bailey greets her with a handshake and a "hello".
Written, Non-Verbal, Verbal
Ms. Dunn always says what when we leave the class?
Make good choices!