Study of behavior and mind.
What is psychology?
This part of the brain is classified by the "unconscious"
What is the limbic system?
24-hour sleep cycle
What is Circadian Rhythm?
Stored information
What is memory?
Skinner founded _____ conditioning.
What is classical?
Clinical, cognitive, developmental, social, biological, industrial-organizational
What are subfields of psychology?
Your Front brain
What is the Prefrontal Cortex?
Dreaming & memory consolidation.
What is REM Sleep.
Decay, interference, retrieval failure
What is forgetting?
Positive, negative, positive, negative.
What are reinforcements and punishments?
Biological, psychological, social.
What is the biopsychosocial approach?
Perception-altering drugs
What is a hallucinogen?
Sleep trouble. Falling and waking up.
What is Insomnia?
Information that is never processed into Long Term Memory.
What is encoding failure?
Learning by association
What is Classical Conditioning?
Watson coined this psychology term.
What is behaviorism?
This ex NBA player spoke at the Prep about drug abuse.
Who is Chris Herren?
Memory loss, weakened immunity, mood swings.
What is Sleep deprivation?
The process of linking new information to existing knowledge for better memory
What is Elaboration?
Linking two events.
What is learned associations?
The founder of psychoanalysis.
Who is Sigmund Freud?
Anxiety, insomnia, heart issues, aging
What are negative effects of stimulants?
Cold showers help.
How to fall asleep?
Procedural Memory
What is Explicit Memory?
Regulating thoughts and actions
What is Self Control?