Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Why was the discovery of the Americas one of the biggest failures? Bonus Question: What is the Black Legend? 

Europeans were trying to find another route to the spice islands (they didn't find one) 

The Black Legend is the false notion that conquistadors thought they could kill and steal from natives in the name of God 


what are Huguenots and what edict was signed regarding them? 

French Protestant dissenters, they were granted limited toleration  under the Edict of Nantes 1598


Fundamental Orders what are they? 

It was a modern constitution made in new Connecticut river colony, it established a regime democratically controlled by citizens 


What was the headright system? 

it gave land owners motive for getting indentured servants since it rewarded them with land grants if they got enough servants 


what was the representative parliamentary assembly created to govern Virginia? 

House of Burgesses 


Describe the origins of the modern plantation system 

When the Portuguese went to Africa they adopted some of their practices involving slavery and agriculture, this would soon lead to the modern plantation system 


how did primogeniture effect Europeans in terms of travel? 

It motivated younger sons to travel to the New World in order to develop their own forms of wealth  


Who founded Maryland and what was passed there to allow limited toleration to Catholics?

Lord Baltimore founded Maryland in 1634, Maryland was known for it's religious tolerance towards Catholics due to the Act of Toleration passed in 1649


Why did colonists express dissatisfaction over territorial settlements, frontier defense, self rule, and trade?  

cause they were greedy buttholes who wanted land since they were poor 


what does this phrase mean ?

 "coureurs de Bois"

runners of the woods, this term was used when talking about the beaver pelts that were sold by New France 


What treaty was signed in 1494 by which two countries? What did the treaty do? 

The Treaty of Tordesilla's was signed in 1494 by Spain and Portugal. It divided the New World territories, Spain gets most of the Americas and Portugal gets land titles in Africa and Asia. 


Who led the expedition that landed in 1585? What was the name of the island it landed on (hint: it was off the coast of Virginia) 

Sir Walter Raleigh led the expedition in 1585 that landed on Roanoke Island. 


Describe Calvinism 

God is all-knowing and all-good. Everyone is predetermined whether or not they are going to heaven. Those who are, are known as visible saints


What's the difference between old lights and New lights? 

Old lights are referring to the traditionalist congregational churches they focused more on the damnation of people and the new lights are referring to the revivalist evangelical churches they focused on the salvation of people 


describe the southern class hierarchy 

FFV, Planters, small farmers, landless whites, and indentured servants 


who wrote a book in 1295 and why did it motivate Europeans? 

Marco Polo, The tales of his adventures motivated europeans to find a route to Asia 


Who was the general known as "Father of Wooden Leg" he led a small military to get the Swedish off the Dutch territory? 

Peter Stuyvesant 


Which colony was formed as a religious experiment driven by the Great English Migration 

Massachusetts Bay Colony 1630


How did all the British colonies participate to varying degrees in the Atlantic slave trade? be specific 

All colonies used enslaved peoples to some extent some more than others


Name the Middle Colonies and South Colonies what were the different regions known for 

M: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware (farming food and religious tolerance) 

S:Virginia, Maryland, North/South Carolina, and Georgia (plantations, tobacco excessive farming) 


Juniperro Serra, Francisco Coronado, and Ponce de Leon who are they? what did they do?

Juniperro founded a line of 21 missions to christianize natives, Francisco traveled through Arizona and New Mexico (he discovered the grand canyon), Ponce de Leon explored Florida 


Anglo-Powhatan War 1614, How did it start? How did it end? 

Lord De La Warr arrived and carried orders from Virginia Company that resulted in war against the Indians (villages were torched and raided) the war ended with the marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe


William Bradford, John Winthrop, and Roger Williams, who are they? 

WB:a governor at Plymouth, JW:first governor of the bay colony, RW: founder of Rhode island 


Explain the difference of slavery in the West Indies in comparison to the Americas 

The West Indies were a lot harsher and their conditions were a lot worse than in North America. Rather than slave population declining like in the West Indies they were increasing in the Americas 


What is Matti's favorite soda 

Zero sugar Pepsi, if you got this wrong you are an opp 
