Metric units
Science Equipment
Scientific Desgin

These are the structural and functional units of all living things

What are cells?


It is the unit you would use to measure the length of a plant's stem.

What are centimeters?


It is the temperature reading above with correct unit.

What is 27 degrees Celcius?


It is the Independent variable for the following Question:  What type of music helps plant grow best?

What is the type of music?


It is the number of centimeters in a meter.

What is 100?


It is the theory which includes that every cell comes from pre-existing cells.  That cells are the structural and functional unit of all living things.  Lastly, that all living things are made up of cells.

What is the cell theory?


It is the metric unit you would use to measure the distance between NY City and Los Angeles.

What is kilometer?


It is the volume of the liquid with the correct unit.

What is 24 ml?


It is the dependent variable for the following experiment which is testing different lights on plants.

What is the amount of plant growth?


It is the number of millimeters in 1 meter.

What is 1,000?


It is a reaction to a stimuli such as light, sound or odor.

What is a response?


It is the sentence you can memorize to help you remember how to create the conversion chart.

What is "King Henry Doesn't Usually Drink Chocolate Milk"?


It is the number of ml need to be added to the graduated cylinder to reach 40 ml.

What is 4 ml?

 or 3.8 ml if you look at the bottom of the meniscus is slightly higher than 36.  Close to 36.2 ml


It is the control group in the experiment where 100 rats were given varying amounts of medicine and all were exposed to a virus.

What is the group of mice NOT given the medicine?


It is the length of this screw with correct units.

What is 3.5 cm?


It is the maintainence of materials and wastes at a balanced level with the outside environment for all living things.

What is homeostasis?


It is the metric unit you would use measure the diameter of a pea sized pebble.

What are millimeters?


It is the volume of the rock with correct units.

What is 6 ml?

the water raised from 16 to 22 ml


They are 2 constants in an experiment which is testing what food color changes the celery leaf color the most.

What are same size and type of celery (cut the same) and temperature and type of water should be kept the same.  Same size of container and same amount of time submerged in the water.


It is the number of meters in 1 km.

What is 1,000 meters?

These are all 8 Characteristics of Life with hints

1. Repro__________________

2. Gro__________ and Dev ______________

3. Homeo__________________

4. Resp __________________ to stimuli

5. Adap_________________________

6. Organi__________________

7. Metabol ____________________

8. Heredi______________________

1. Reproduction

2. Growth and Development

3. Homeostais

4. Respond to stimuli

5. Adaptations

6. Organization (cellular organization)

7. Metabolism

8. Heredity


It is the unit you would use to measure the length of a paramecium or an ameba under the microscope.

Hint: it starts with micro

What is micrometers?


It is the scientific set up which allows a researcher to slowly warm liquids on top of the hot plate.

What is a hot water bath set up?


It is a logical question these students asked for this experimental set up.

Does a plant grow toward light?

Can a stem bend when light is provided on only one side?

Why do stems of plants sometimes grow crooked?


It is the number of millimeters long this caterpillar is.

What is 85 millimeters?
