Doctrinal teaching that the Scriptures in the original manuscripts are true and without error in all that they teach.
What is inerrancy?
Another word for "Canon" is...
What is "testaments"?
Who is an atheist?
The Bible tells us the history of Jesus' ___________, _____________, and _______________________.
What is His life, death, and resurrection?
What are the two things we highlighted/underlined concerning God in Scripture?
What are God's words and God's actions?
The process where God worked in the hearts of human writers to write down His words.
What is 39 books?
What do Christ-centered theists approach the Bible as?
What is the inspired Word of God?
Doctrine is defined as...
What is "A set of beliefs"?
What are the five historical books of the New Testament?
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts?
These people would reject the ability to have the knowledge of God.
What is an agnostic?
What two categories of audiences did Paul write his letters to?
What are individuals and churches?
What is the main mission of God for the earth?
What is to fill the earth with His glory?
A canon is...
What are the three categories of Old Testament literature?
Daily Double: What are the numbers of books in each category?
What are historical, Poetic/Wisdom, and Prophetic.
What is 17, 5, 17
What are three worldviews/religions that would reject the Bible because they reject Christianity?
(Includes: Judaism, Mormonism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.)
Answers will vary:
Possible include: Prayer, observation, key words, timeline, lists, geography, plain reading, etc.
What two things does the Word of God give us?
What are instructions from God and the promises of God?
Give the definitions for:
- Atheism
- Agnosticism
- Epistle
- Gospel
What is...
- "Without God"
- "Without knowledge"
- "Letter"
- "Good news"
What are the three categories of New Testament literature and how many books are in each?
What are historical, Pauline Epistles, and General Epistles? What is 5, 13, and 9?
Because deists do not believe in supernatural involvement on the earth, what three things do they reject?
What are...
1. Supernatural interaction
2. The Resurrection of Christ
3. The Miracles of the Bible
What four things is the Bible a history of?
What are the heavens, the earth, Israel, and the church?
What is the purpose of man?