Native American Traits
Spanish & French Explorers
The Spanish vs. That One French Dude
Adaptation vs. Modification
Extra Credit!
Rules: These go last :-)

All the tribes in were reliant upon this resource.

What are buffalo?


This explorer annhialated the Aztec society

Who is Hernando Cortez?


These three reasons were the driving forces of European exploration in North America?

What is God, Gold, and Glory? 


Native Americans utilized this natural resource found in their environment for food, clothing, shelter and tools. 

What are Buffalo?


How many championships has Lebron James won in the NBA?

What is 4?


The Comanche were nomadic and relied heavily upon buffalo grazing patterns. This caused them to be expert horsemen that ranged the land within this area of land... 

What are the plains regions of Texas?


This explorer's expedition was plagued with many traveling issues such as Native American raids, disease, hunger, and extreme thirst. These travelers even went as far as to make flesh pouches made from their dead horses... 

Who is Cabeza de Vaca?


Fort St. Louis was founded by a man who got lost in his search to return to the Mississippi River area. Little did he know, the Spanish were already exploring and had claimed parts of this region.

Who is La Salle?


The Karankawa utilized unorthox methods to ward off bugs using what?

What is crocodile fat? 


This Migos song is based upon a popular Disney show starring Miley Cyrus... 

What is Hannah Montana? 


Jumano and Tigua tribes were located within the southwest region of the United States in the Mountains and Basins Region. They relied heavily upon corn and stored surplus food. These groups of Native Americans were...

What is sedentary? 


Alvarez de Pineda explored and mapped the Texas coast during this year...

When is 1519?


Alvarez de Pineda explored this area of land...

What is the Gulf Coast?


This culture group of Native Americans built houses out of dirt/clay bricks to adapt to their environment.... 

Who are the Puebloan?


In the Movie "Lion King," what was Simba's mother's name?

Who is Sarabi?

Native American tribes who were able to establish permanent settlements were able to do so because of... 

What is growing and storing surplus crops?


These explorers had a positive relationship with Native Texans in which they learned from one another and interacted peacefully...

Who is La Salle and Cabeza de Vaca?


The concern that the French would continue to settle within Texas drove Spanish explorers to do this...

What is establish forts and missions?


Using dugout canoes to harvest sea life is a characteristic of what culture group of Native Americans?

What is the Gulf culture group?


Characters like Owen Hunt, Miranda Bailey, and Richard Webber make this ABC show quite interesting...

What is Grey's Anatomy?

The Caddo Native American tribes lived within East Texas, and are included within the Southeastern culture groups. Because they were sedentary they built farms and semi permanent cone shaped grass houses called...

What are wigwams?


This explorer's expedition was centered around charting Texas's Gulf Coast...

Who is Alvarez de Pineda?


La Salle discovered this river and was the first to record it... 

What is the Ohio River?


Plains Indians (Comanche) utilized this animal to aid in their migration across the Texas Panhandle.

What are horses?


There are more of these in the USA than McDonalds resturaunts... 

What are libraries?
