Understanding what the Bible passage means
What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
We have similar characteristics to God. We are the same as God in every way a creature can be
Where is the Protevangelium found?
Genesis 3:15
Who is on trial in the book of Job?
Noah was saved because of...
Biblical Promise
What are the three steps for studying your bible?
Observe, Interpret, Apply
Where is the Creation Mandate found in the Bible?
Genesis 1:27-28
Who represents the seed of the serpent in the story of Cain and Abel?
What is repeated to Noah that was also said to Adam and Eve?
The Creation Mandate
Surrounding Material
What are the four words that summarize the big story of Scripture?
Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration
What are the two parts of the Creation mandate?
Fill the earth, Work the earth
Who replaced Abel in the seed of the woman?
Which son of Noah represents the seed of the woman at the end of Genesis 9?
Fear of God
Awe and Respect for God
What are the two main purposes for reading God's Word?
To reveal God and to establish a relationship with God
God's response to Adam and Eve's sin included what?
Both curses and promises
Who was Job's hope in when he was suffering?
His Redeemer (Jesus)
Why is it important that God established capital punishment (a life for a life)?
It shows that God values human life.
First Good News
What is the most important question to consider when reading a story in the Bible?
Why is this story in the Bible?
What are the two curses of Eve and the two curses of Adam?
Pain in childbirth, husband would rule over her, thorns and weeds, and death
Why did God include the story of Cain and Abel in the Bible?
To show us the progression of sin from the Fall to the Flood.
The Flood demonstrates that God's love results in both _________ for the wicked and _________ for the righteous.
Judgment and Mercy