What scientist discovered penicillin on accident?
Who was Alexander Fleming
What is the first step of the scientific process?
What is research
What scientific behavior causes you to look for things to repeat in a certain way over and over again?
What is recognizing patterns
What two candies did the class have to vote on?
What is Dum-dums an Smarties
What scientist studied chimps and helped start animal conservation?
Who was Jane Goodall
What is the second step of the scientific process?
What is question
What scientific behavior causes you to pay close attention to everything happening at a time?
What is observation
What was the catch in Mr. Eash's 3 coin magic trick?
What is there were really 4 coins
What did E.O. Wilson discover?
What is that ants use pheromones
What is the third step of the scientific process?
What is hypothesis
What is common sense?
Anything along the lines of- What is using simple logic to figure things out
Was there more, equal, or less the "Stuff" in a Double Stuff Oreo when compared to a regular Oreo based on our class's experiment?
What is more "Stuff"
What did Anton van Leeuwenhoek use to discover bacteria?
What is microscope
What is the fourth step of the scientific process?
What is experiment
In the observation video, what came across the screen and danced while people were tossing back and forth a rubber band ball?
What is a guy in a gorilla suit
What was named after the famous scientist, Louis Pasteur?
What is pasteurization
What keeps the "Wheel of Science" going around?
What is observations
How many famous scientists did we learn about from presentations?
What is 12