Daily Double!!!!!!!!!!!
The numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...
A. Integers
B. Counting Numbers
C. Whole Numbers
What is B. Counting Numbers?
Get 300 extra points!!!!!
Daily Double!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Integers are whole numbers and their what?
A. positives
B. cousins
C. opposites
What is C. opposites?
1, 3, 5, 7, then ____
What is 9?
Add an extra 500!
What is .10 π 200?
What is 20?
Daily Quadruple!!!!
7 βΉ 5 = 12
What is + ?
The numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...
A. Integers
B. Counting Numbers
C. Whole Numbers
What is C. Whole Numbers?
Daily Double!!!!!!!!!!!
85 + 31 =
What is 116?
Daily Double!!!!!!!!!!!
2, 4, 6, 8, then ____
What is 10?
Daily Double!!!!!!!!!!!
What is .10 π 100?
What is 10?
7 βΉ 5 = 35
What is x ?
Get 300 extra points!!!!!
The numbers are ...,-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,...
A. Integers
B. Counting Numbers
C. Whole Numbers
What is A. Integers?
Get 400 extra points!!!!!
Daily Triple!!!!!!!!!!!
What is the opposite of 0?
What is 0? Or it has no opposite.
Daily Double!!!!!!!!!!!
6, 11, 16, 21, then ____
What is 26?
What is .10 π 600?
What is 60?
Daily Double!!!!!!!
7 βΉ 5 = 2
What is - ?
What kind of number is 1/2?
A. a fraction
B. a decimal
C. a percent
What is A. a fraction?
What is the opposite of 56?
What is -56?
4, 8, 12, 16, then ____
What is 20?
Daily Double!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is .10 π 70?
What is 7?
Which is a "Rational" number.
A. 9
B. 9.3462061294673490554937349021133425546...
C. π
What is A. 9?
What kind of number is 2.34?
A. a fraction
B. a decimal
C. a percent
What is B. a decimal?
What is the opposite of -11?
What is 11?
Get 300 extra points!!!!!
What is .10 π 150?
What is 15?
Which is a "Irrational" number.
A. 9
B. 1/2
C. π
What is π ?