Syllable work
Text Evidence
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Text Features

What is the correct way to write the sentence below?

She are going to town.  or She is going to town. 

She is going to town.


How many syllables in the word triumphant



Volcanoes are very dangerous forces of nature. When volcanoes erupt, magma from deep inside the earth's crust travels to the opening of the volcano and comes out as hot lava. This extremely hot liquid rock with burn everything in its path. Volcanoes that are known to erupt are called active. There are active volcanoes throughout the world including Indonesia, Russia, New Zealand, Italy, Iceland, Guatemala, and even the United States. 

List one reason volcanoes are so dangerous. 

The hot liquid rock burns everything in its path. 


What is one reason these animals are considered to have super powers?

Pit vipers can detect heat of their prey from a distance. 


What's going on in this picture?

They are blaming each other and the dog gets blamed in the end or they are all blaming the dog who has no clue what is going on. 

What does the word, brimming mean?

about to overflow


Where do you split the word, bumble, into syllables?

bum/ble - final stable syllable!


Narwhals live in the cold water of the Artic Ocean. They are social animals and travel in groups called pods with about  20 narwhals per pod. A narwhal is a mammal that is related to a whale. Most narwhals have long, sword like tusks above their mouths. The tusk is actually a tooth that has gone through the narwhal's upper lip. The tooth twists as it grows and can grow up to 8 feet long. Once broken, it will not grow back.

How do scientist know narwhals are social animals?

They travel in pods of about 20 narwhals. 


Name two animals that have super eye sight.

A cockroach and a hawk 


What do you think is going to happen?

The dad may tell him no that he is okay, or the boy may check his reflexes and make him holler. 


Use the word, disheartened in a sentence.


How do you code the word, tumble

Find your vowels (u) Find the final stable syllable - ble, short u because the u is protected by the m. 


Levi Strauss came to the United States from Germany in 1847. He stayed with his family in New York, where they owned a clothing store. In 1853 while the Gold Rush was in full swing, he moved to San Francisco, California and sold supplies to gold minors. His real success came when he and tailor, Jacob Davis, teamed up the make the first pair of "blue jeans" for minors. These durable pants were popular with the minors and Strauss became a very wealthy man.  

For what reason were jeans popular with minors? 

The jeans were durable which means they lasted a long time. Minors needed pants that would last. 


What is found inside the lungs?

The bronchiole and the main bronchus. 


What does this picture tell you about their family?

They are full of chaos, they're busy, not everyone knows what an anniversary is. 


The measles are a bad disease.


The measles is a bad disease. 

The measles is a bad disease. 


Code the word, butterfly

VC/CV (utter)  /fly  put a dot and macron on the y to say I


Today, the United Postal Service delivers mail by truck and by plane, but it was not always delivered this way. In the past mail was carried by stagecoaches and steamships. It was also carried on horses. For example, the Pony Express carried mail across the country to the gold fields in Sacramento, California in the 1860's. Around this same time, trains started to carry mail, especially with the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. 

Explain one reason the Pony Express carried mail in the 1860"s.

To deliver mail to the gold fields in Sacramento, California.


 What can you read about on pg. 5



What is going on in this picture? 

The brother is happy because he won. The blonde headed boy is mad. Maybe he thinks he cheated. The girl is sad she lost. 


The scissors is over there.


The scissors are over there. 

The scissors are over there. 


Where do you split the word, action, into syllables?

ac/tion  - tion is a final stable syllable


Even as a little boy, Michelangelo want to be an artist, perhaps sculptor, or a painter. He could use his chisel and hammer before he could read and write. But his father wanted him to go to school and get an education, he didn't want him to study art. Michelangelo didn't have much interest in school though, and at 13 he became an apprentice to a leading artist, Domenico Ghirlandaio. From there his own artistic talents began to grow. 

Why did Michelangelo's father not want him to study art? How does his father probably feel about art. 

He wanted him to go to school and get an education. He probably feels there is no money to be made in art and wanted his son to be successful. 


What is the 4th task on our morning routine?

Eat breakfast.


Tell what's going on in this picture. 

The dad is excited about the game and the kids are exited about the food. 
