Textual Evidence
Figurative Language
Text Organization

Implicit information.  You have to make an educated guess and use information from the text. 

What is an inference?

Information directly stated in the text.  You can put your finger on it.  

What is Explicit/Textual evidence?


Language that does not literally mean what it says.

What is figurative language?


Attributes, normally adjectives, used to describe characters in a text. The author uses what the character says and does to give the reader this information. 

What is characterization?


The way in which the author sets up a text or presents written information.  

What is text structure?


"Grandpa, don't die!" Emma Abrams choked with deep conviction. "You mean everything to me. I can't live without you!" This was the part of the script where Emma was supposed to burst into real tears, yet her big blue eyes were like a desert. Emma tried to think of something despairing, like the time her toddling brother sliced his finger on a piece of broken glass while she was watching him, or the devastation she felt when learning that her cat had run away. These sad reflections did nothing to moisten her eyes. "Well, don't panic, Emma," she coached herself. "When it counts in the audition today, you'll cry real tears. You've just got to!"

What can you infer about Emma?

Emma is trying to be an actress and she is not sure if she can cry when she needs to at her audition. 


In First Impression, how does Judy get her ball back?

"Judy crept over toward Mrs. Simpson's yard and cautiously looked around for the stray ball. She finally located it under the apple tree and decided to quickly run into the yard, pick up the ball, and get back to her own yard as fast as she could."


This was the part of the script where Emma was supposed to burst into real tears, yet her big blue eyes were like a desert. 

What type of figurative language is being used?

What is simile?


What do author's use to tell you about the characters?

What the character says.

What the character does.

How the character feels?                                    How others feel about the character?

What is the organizational structure of a fictional text?

The plot structure 


"Renee pitched the softball, and Judy swung the bat as hard as she could. The crack of the bat was loud and the ball went flying through the air, crashing into a trash can in her neighbor's yard. The girls knew they'd made quite a racket, and neither of them dared to go into Mrs. Simpson's yard to get the ball."

What can you infer about Mrs. Simpson?

The girls are afiad of Mrs. Simpson. 


In First Impression, who was in the house with Judy's mother when she came in from playing ball?

"Next to her mother on the couch sat Mrs. Simpson."


"The crack of the bat was loud and the ball went flying through the air, crashing into a trash can in her neighbor's yard."

What type of figurative language is being used?

What is onomatopoeia? 

If a character is the hero of the story, what type of character is he or she?

What is protagonist?


If the author is telling you a story, what structure is being used?

The plot structure.

"Debra groaned when she looked out the window. Even though the sun had not yet risen, the world outside was bright. Moonlight glistened on the snow that covered her yard. It was a pretty sight, but it also meant that she had to get out her boots and wait for the school bus in the cold. Usually her older brother drove her to school, but her parents would not let him drive in the snow yet. Her dad said that David needed more practice on icy roads first. It was, she thought, a disappointing beginning to the day."

What can you infer about Debra?

Debra woke up with a bad attitude.  She was grumpy and did not want to get to school on the bus. 


In Just Another Day, why did Debra say that she was not having a good day?

"The morning was not a happy one. She had a pop quiz in math, and she did not do well. Nor did she do well on her homework assignment. She knew that she had done it too quickly, and now she was paying the price. In language arts class, she reluctantly read her story aloud, knowing that she had not done her best work."


"Renee pitched the softball, and Judy swung the bat as hard as she could."

What is the type of figurative language used?

What is hyperbole?
The character that shows growth and change throughout the text is known as this type of character.  

What is a round character?


The structure that an author uses when describing what is similar and different in a text.

What is compare and contrast?


"Emma appreciated her mother's constant companionship and support of her acting career. Her mother was always present backstage at the Dutch Apple Dinner Theater where Emma was currently starring in Annie on Friday and Saturday nights. Mom was the driving force behind her daughter's acting career, but she refused to drive in New York City. The big city frightened Mrs. Abrams and made her jittery. Since she was already nervous about Emma's big audition, Mrs. Abrams thought it best if she just stayed home."

What can you infer about Mrs. Abrams?

Mrs. Abrams was afraid that she would prevent Emma from doing a good job on her Broadway audition.  


In Emma Finds a Way, how do you know that Emma did a good job at her audition?

When she emerged from the audition several hours later, Emma was exhausted but triumphant. "I don't ever want Mom to come to an audition where I have to cry again!" she declared as they left the theater together.


"As the crowded bus pulled up to the curb, she knew it would be a miracle if she could get her map on and off the bus intact. The miracle did not occur."

What type of figurative language is being used?

What is hyperbole?


In First Impression, which character is round and which character is flat?

What is Judy is round and Renee is flat?

The structure an author uses when a concerning issue is being presented as well as several answers. 

What is problem and solution?