What does PSAP stand for?
Public Safety Answering Point
What is the length of a training cycle?
4 years
Each training unit telecommunicator shall complete how many hours of continuing education?
20 hours
What is the length of the training unit?
2 years
How long is temporary telecommunicator license good for?
12 Months
The occurrence or imminent threat of damage, injury, or loss of life or property resulting from an extraordinary natural or man-made cause.
This is an entity responsible for receiving 9-1-1 calls and processing those calls
a system for verifying and maintain a desired level of quality in an existing product or service by careful planning, use of proper equipment, continued inspection, and corrective action as required
Quality Control (QC)
What does TCOLE stand for?
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
This is a person person acknowledged by the commission and employed by or serving a law enforcement agency that performs law enforcement services on a 24-hour basis who receives, processes, and transmits public safety information and criminal justice data for the agency using a base radio station on public safety frequency by the Federal Communications Commission or by another method of communication
A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.
What happens to a persons licesne if they are convicted of a felony?
It is immediately revoked
The definition of a Telecommunicator can be found under Texas Occupations Code
Texas Occupations Code 1701.405
All actions taken to ensure that ensure that standards and procedures are adhered to and that delivered products or services meet performance requirements.
Quality Assurance (QA
What are the 4 different Telecommunicator certificates?
What is an L2 form?
Lack of drug dependency or illegal drug use/fingerprinting.
The license of a person who fails to comply with legislative continuing education requirements may be suspended for how long?
up to 90 days for the 1st time non compliance and
up to 180 days for 2nd time noncompliance
What is an L3 form?
Declaration of psychological and emotional health
The license of a person convicted or placed on community supervision for any offense above the grade of Class C may be suspended for how long?
10 Years
an organized system that assess and evaluates the process to improve the quality of services provided
Quality Improvement (QI)
What does Chapter 229 about in TCOLE?
Texas peace officer Memorial
List 2 Core Competencies of a Telecommunicator
How many days does an agency have to report training to the commission once it is completed?
30 days
You must report address changes, name changes, and any arrests within how many days?
30 Days
The commission may issue a temporary telecommunicator license, consistent with Texas Occupations Code
Texas Occupations Code 1701.405.