quest for unity among Christians
I believe in one God, the Father....
Luther's teaching on salvation
by faith alone (sola fide)
includes all baptized believers both on earth and in heaven
what Christ prayed for in the Gospel of John 17:21-23.
"that all may be one"
I look forward to the _____________________of the dead and the life of the worl to come.
Calvin's teaching on salvation that a person is chosen by God to go to haven or hell before they are born
by their baptsim Christians participate in the life , death, and resurrection of Christ
Paschal Mystery
through this sacrament Christians are united as one regardless of denomination
By the Holy Spirit, God the Son became fully human. This belief is called the___________
composed of the Latin Rite and 23 Eastern Rite Churches - name means "universal"
Catholic Church
the living Body of Christ on earth
the Church, the People of God, the community of faith
principle shown in St. Paul's First letter to the Corinthians Chapter 12 " If one part suffers, all the parts suffer together. If one part is honored, all the parts rejoice together "
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit all share the same Divine Substance.
these 2 branches of Christianity allow clergy to be married
Orthodox and Protestant
The Real Presence of Christ received as his Body and Blood
The unity of the Church is modeled upon this
The Blessed Trinity
For us men and for our _______________________he came down from heaven.
believes God makes God's self known through Scripture( Word of God, the Bible) and Tradition( lived faith through prayers, teachings of Church councils, liturgy etc)
Catholic Church
the Body of Christ expresses unity in coming together for communal prayer/worship.
Give an example of communal prayer.
praying rosary together, prayer service for peace, celebrating a sacrament, advent or Lenten prayer service, Mass, Diving Liturgy, etc.