An experienced sailor had _ n _ _ p _ i _ _ b _ _ disappeared in calm waters.
not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it:- ___________________________ (9 letters)
Boning up _____ chemistry won't make sense anymore.
I ______________(thank) him for the postcard which he _______________(send) to me from France.
thanked / had sent
Jak długo masz te bezzasadne obawy ?
How long have you had these unfounded fears?
If you're the manager of a _ u _ _ w _ _ t _ y restaurant, everyone wants to be _ f _ _ b _ e enough to be your friend.
buzzworthy / affable
coming before a more important action or event, especially introducing or preparing for it:- ______________________(11 letters)
Peter ___________________(offer) me another drink but I ___________________(decide) I ________________(drink) enough.
offered / decided / had drunk
Nie nabiorę się na Twoje zgubne skutki!
I won't fall for your evils!
Despite being _ u _ _ p _ _ e _, she rarely _ e _ t _ _ e _ outside and she tends to avoid _ o _ _ r _ s
outspoken / ventures / cohorts
wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people: - _____________________(11 letters)
if you aren't ______ to the mark, then it will be hard to see eye _____ eye with them. Being _____ front is better than getting freaked ______.
up / to / up / out
__________________ (you / hear) that Ben __________ (be fired) last month? He _________________ (work) for that
import company for more than ten years and he ___________________ (work) in almost every
department. Nobody knew the company like he did
Did you hear / was fired / had been working / had worked
Zachorowałem na grypę zanim zacząłem mieć za dużo rzeczy na głowie. [Use: come and plate]
I had come down with flu before I started having too much on my plate
My friend was totally _ r _ _ h _ d when she found out how _ e _ _ i _ f _ _ was her friend.
crushed / deceitful
too important not to have; necessary: - _______________________(13 letters)
Whenever I try to ________ up a conversation, I _______ up to the fact that stuck-_____ people will never understand others who are out of touch ______ _________ conclusions.
strike / wake / up / with / drawing
Dopasowanie w związku wydaje się być niespójne z jego przeczuciem. Rzadko kiedy on żali się.
Relationship compatibility seems to be inconsistent with his gut feeling. Rarely does he spill his guts.
My friend got _ r _ _ k _ _ out when he saw that this _ n _ _ m _ _ a _ _ n _ girl was _ u _ b _ _ n _ with excitement despite feeling _ n _ e _ _ o _ as a new member in this team.
freaked / intimidating / bubbling / inferior
wanting to annoy, upset, or hurt another person, especially in a small way, because you feel angry towards them: - _______________________(8 letters)
Correct the sentence if there are any mistakes.
Everything was ready. I was to have sing at the stage but I felt bad. I guess I ate something not fresh. I was dreaming all the time about this moment. In the past I would take part in many performances and I hope that one day you will have seen me on the stage for sure!
Jutro minie rok od kiedy szukamy dawcy szpiku kostnego. Do końca roku będziemy bez reszty pochłonięci szukaniem tej osoby [Use: up]. Mamy nadzieję, że krwinki nie będą odrzucone natychmiast. [Use: hand]
We will have been looking for a donor of bone marrow for a year tomorrow. By the end of the year we will have been wrapped up in looking for this person. We hope that blood cells won't be dismissed out of hand.