13 Colonies

What was the name of the pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that stirred up support for the American Revolution and called for the end to British rule of the colonies.

Common Sense


Describe 3 features of the New England colonies

  • Rocky infertile soil

  • Cold winters

  • Short growing season 

  • subsistence farming→ only grew enough to survive on

  • Natural Harbors


Where did England send the first colonists?

Jamestown, Virginia

Plymouth, Massachusetts


How was this engraving by Paul Revere used as propaganda? 

A way to convince colonists to declare their independence from Britain.

The British violently and without provocation murdered innocent and unarmed colonists in the streets of Boston.


What marked the end of the American Revolution?

The Treaty of Paris 1783


What was the conflict during the French and Indian war AND how did the outcome affect the colonists?

  • Conflict between the British and French over the Ohio River Valley.  

  • Led to the British taxing the American colonists to pay back war debt. 


How did the Appalachian Mountains impact economic development?

  • Natural Barrier to westward expansion

  • Provided natural border to western frontier

Barrier to Expansion


Provide a title for this political cartoon:

Answers vary

The Mercantilism Argument for Colonial Expansion 

Name a cause and effect of the Boston Tea Party


Britain had imposed a series of taxes on the colonists (Tea Act)


Coercive (Intolerable) Acts


What are some geographic features that AID expansion and what are some geographic features than are a BARRIER to expansion?

Answers vary: 

AID: The Great Lakes, Hudson River (ANY WATERWAY)
BARRIER: Appalachian Mountains, Rocky Mountains


Describe the Proclamation of 1763

British ban on colonial settlement west beyond the Appalachian Mountains to avoid conflict with Native Americans


Based on the climate and geography of the Middle Colonies, what did they produce?

  • “Breadbasket Colonies” (Wheat, rye, grains)

  • Iron 


What did the people aboard the Mayflower agree to do once they arrived in Plymouth? What is the name of the document that was written? 

The Pilgrims agreed to set up a government among themselves and the Mayflower Compact was written by those who governed. Representative form of government (To make all laws together including everyone).


What was considered the "turning point" in the relationship between the British and the colonists?

Lexington and Concord

"The Shot Heard Round the World" 

Official start to the American Revolution


Name the four parts of the Declaration of Independence

1. Preamble

2. Describes natural rights of people & purpose of government

3. List of grievances 

4. Statement of Independence and becoming the United States of America


What was the name of....

The first legislative (law making) assembly of elected representatives in the colonies 

Step toward colonial self-government and democracy!

Virginia House of Burgesses


How did geography impact the development of slavery in the colonies?

Slaves were needed in the South because of the long growing season and fertile soil.


What was the main purpose of the colonies?

To provide raw materials to England so England could increase it's wealth and power


How is the purpose of Thomas Paine's Common Sense similar to/different from the Declaration of Independence?

Common Sense: 

Aimed towards Colonists: Propaganda/ pursuading colonists to fight

Declaration of Independence: 

Aimed towards Britain: Colonists justifying reasons for independence from Britain.


Name two reasons why the Battle of Yorktown is significant 

1. French aiding the colonists on land and water

2. British surrender, end to the fighting


Describe Salutary Neglect

Great Britain’s policy of avoiding strict enforcement of Parliamentary laws (British laws) on the colonists in order to keep the colonists obedient and continued to benefit Great Britain economically


Name four cash crops that the Southern Colonies produced

Tobacco, cotton, rice, and indigo 

  1. No country could trade with the colonies unless the goods were shipped in either colonial or English ships

  2. All vessels had to have crews that were three-quarters English or colonial

  3. Colonies could export certain products (tobacco, sugar, rice, molasses, furs) ONLY to England

  4. Almost all goods traded between the colonies and Europe had to pass through English ports first.

The Navigation Acts


Justify some reasons why Britain "should have" won the American Revolution

Population size 12,000,000 

Highly developed and flourishing manufacturing

Richest country in the world

Large, well-trained arm

Many dedicated and capable officers

They were fighting on strange land


Name all 13 colonies

Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia
