13 Colonies/Early Government
Enlightenment/Natural Rights/Misc.
Parliamentary Acts
Articles of Confederation/Constitution
Political Parties/War of 1812

What main factor influenced the economy throughout the different colonial regions? 



What is a tariff? 

What is the purpose?

What Political Party supported tariffs? 

Tax on imports or exports 

Protect American Industry/Manufacturing



What was established following the French and Indian War to prevent colonists from pushing further Westward?  Why did Great Britain put this in place? 

Proclamation Line of 1763.

To prevent further Native American attacks against the colonists.  


What political party was concerned about the Federal Government becoming too powerful?  What did they demand be added to the Constitution to protect individual freedoms? 

Anti-Federalist/Democratic Republicans

Bill of Rights 


What two things did George Washington warn against in his famous Farewell Address? 

Avoiding political parties and remaining neutral abroad. 


What were two early examples of self government in the colonies? 

Mayflower Compact 

New England Town Hall Meetings

Virginia House of Burgesses 


What were two causes of the War of 1812? 

Trade Restrictions imposed by the British

Embargo Act of 1807

Impressment of American Sailors

British government encouraging Native American resistance as the United States moves Westward. 


Leading up to the American Revolution which was the most dominant factor that contributed to acts of violence by the colonists?  What was the main group that often instigated protests and riots? 

"Taxation without Representation" 

Sons of Liberty 


What is the concept of Federalism? 

A division of power between the state and federal governments. 


What did the Supreme Court case Marbury V. Madison establish?  What does this mean? 

Judicial Review

Determined that a law is unconstitutional.  


Describe the policy of Mercantilism.  What trading policy/network drove this policy? 

Supplying raw materials to benefit the wealth of the mother country (Britain).  

Triangular Trade 


Montesquieu argued that one branch of government should not have too much power.  What was put in the U.S. Constitution to ensure this would not happen? 

Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances System.  


What impact did the French and Indian War have on the colonies? 

The British government began to tax the colonies to pay for the war debt ending the policy of salutary neglect.  


What was the New Jersey Plan? 

What was the Virginia Plan?

What compromise solved this issue? 

Representation based on equality

Representation based on population

Great Compromise 


What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers? 

To encourage the Anti-Federalists to vote to ratify the Constitution.  


How was the economy of the Northern Colonies different of that of the Southern Colonies 

Northern colonies focused on shipbuilding, timber, trade, subsistence farming, fishing.

Southern colonies focused on cash crops through the plantation system.  


What impact did the Enlightenment ideas and the First Great Awakening have on the colonies? 

Encouraged people to think for themselves, challenge the traditional monarchy, develop new ideas of self government using natural/inalienable rights.  


What was the goal of the Albany Plan?

Why wasn't the Albany Plan successful? 

Unite the colonies to provide a common defense against Native American attacks prior to the French and Indian War.

Colonies did not want to give up their individual autonomy. 


What was the purpose of the Articles of Confederation?  
What were the Articles main weaknesses? 

To establish a basic framework of government.

No Federal or Central Government. 


What is the Necessary and Proper clause?

What is another name for it?

What political party favored it? 

allowed Congress to have additional powers to exercise powers not specifically stated in the Constitution.

Elastic Clause



What did the Puritan settlement of the "City Upon a Hill" represent? 

Model of Christian beliefs for the world to follow.

Example and guide for future colonies to follow.  


How did Enlightenment ideals impact both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution?

Governments are given power from the people, governments' job is to protect the natural rights of its citizens.  


What were the colonists protesting at the Boston Tea Party?

Which group carried out the protest? 

What was Great Britain's response? 

"Taxation without Representation"

Sons of Liberty

Closing the Boston Harbor/Intolerable Acts


What is the difference between Shay's Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion? Provide as much detail as possible.  

Shays Rebellion revealed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation because there was no federal government in place.

Whiskey rebellion showed the strength of the U.S. Constitution because the federal government was able to put down the rebellion.  


What were the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions in response to? 

What precedent did this establish? 

What president signed this into law and what political party was he trying to protect? 

Alien and Sedition Acts


John Adams

Federalist Party 
