Character Development
Combo Meal
List 3 types of communities discussed in class.
Community of Action Communities of Circumstance Community of Interest Community of Place Community of Practice
What does FCCLA stand for?
Family and Career Community Leaders of America
What does it mean to be independent? Provide an example of a characteristic of an independent person.
Move from dependence on others to independence as you mature. Mature people establish their identities, earn their own living, solve own problems, make own decisions, and typically live apart from their parents
Define culture. 

The customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.

What is the definition of a community?
A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
Identify 3 different subjects under the FACS umbrella.
Child Development Parenting Preschool Variety of Culinary Arts Independent Living Fashion Merchandising Apparel Construction Interior Design Nutrition and Wellness Hospitality AND MORE!
What is self - discipline?
Ability to direct your own behavior in a responsible way
What level of moral development is the following scenario?
Tina stole a necklace from a store. When she told her friends, they started looking down and her and said she made a bad decision. Tina feels bad now and does not steal anymore. 
What is the type of community described below: A group of connected individuals that want to change something in the world. Includes most non-profit, fundraising communities. Focused around its goal of changing the future
community of action
Identify 3 careers an FCS professional could pursue.
Identify 3 careers an FCS professional could pursure. early childhood researchers elementary, secondary business people administrators, managers university/college human service professionals community volunteers consultants who address the issues most important to our quality of life.
Which level of moral development is defined as: - the rules, expectations, and judgment of the group become standard for behavior - Obey to avoid disapproval or dislike from others - Obey because they represent authority (accept and respect that laws are to be upheld)
Conventional Level
What is the community described below: - For people that share a common passion in their lives - Work to facilitate interactions that both increase their knowledge (and passion) for the topic
Community of Interest
What is Family and Consumer Sciences?
The comprehensive body of skills, research, and knowledge that help people make informed decisions about their well-being, relationships, and resources to achieve optimal quality of life.
What is the definition of morality? Who is it important to?
System of conduct based on what is right and wrong. Important to: individuals, families, and community
How do you become part of communities? Use 2 examples using 2 different types of communities in your answer. Tie in your knowledge of community service.
Volunteering Internet - research events Ask friends, families, newspapers E-mail members of the community to learn more
What is the primary goal of FCS and FCCLA? 

FCS: Improve quality of life for families and individuals.

FCCLA: Promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education.

What level of moral development is described in the following situation: A good example is that of northern states (in America) before the civil war. while Northeners didn’t own slaves but according to law if any of them knew about a runaway slave, they had to turn the slave in so that it could be returned to his/her southern owner. While the law was very specific about the requirements, many Northeners chose, instead, to help slave escape and run free.
Post - Conventional level