Write a logical answer to the question in a complete French sentence. Then, translate the question.
Ça va?
Ça va bien, merci. (How are you?)
Count & write in words from 15 to 40 by 5s.
quinze, vingt, vingt-cinq, trente, trente-cinq, quarante
These are the pronunciation keys for the letters that make up a name. Write the name and pronounce the letters out loud.
[euh] [air] [ee] [say]
Write these words in French.
yes and no
oui et non
Write in French and pronounce out loud.
a computer
un ordinateur
Write a logical answer to the question in a complete French sentence. Then, translate the question.
Comment t'appelles-tu?
Je m'appelle ____. (What's your name?)
Write out the problem in words, including the answer. Read the problem out loud.
13 + 9 + 14 =
treize plus neuf plus quatorze égalent trente-six
These are the pronunciation keys for the letters that make up a name. Write the name and pronounce the letters out loud.
[jhee] [euh] [ah] [en] [en] [euh]
Write these words in French.
sir, ma'm, miss
(both the full words and the abbreviations)
monsieur (M.), madame (Mme), mademoiselle (Mlle)
Write in French and pronounce out loud.
a window
une fenêtre
Write a logical answer to the question in a complete French sentence. Then, translate the question.
Quel âge as-tu?
J'ai ___ ans. (How old are you?)
Write out the problem in words, including the answer. Read the problem out loud.
15 - 7 x 9 =
quinze moins sept fois neuf égalent soixante-douze
These are the pronunciation keys for the letters that make up a name. Write the name and pronounce the letters out loud.
[jhay] [ee] [el] [bay] [euh] [air] [tay]
Write these words in French.
me and you
moi et toi
Write in French and pronounce out loud.
a student (both the male and the female form)
un élève, une élève
(un étudiant, une étudiante)
Write a logical answer to the question in a complete French sentence. Then, translate the question.
Où habites-tu?
J'habite à ___. (Where do you live?)
Write out the problem in words, including the answer. Read the problem out loud.
23 + 16 + 46 =
vingt-trois plus seize plus quarante-six égalent quatre-vingt-cinq
These are the pronunciation keys for the letters that make up a name. Write the name and pronounce the letters out loud.
[ee-grek] [vay] [euh] [es]
Write these words in French.
but, or, also
mais, ou, aussi
Write in French and pronounce out loud.
a ruler
une règle
Write a logical answer to the question in a complete French sentence. Then, translate the question.
Quelle est ta nationalité?
Je suis ____. (What is your nationality?)
Write out the problem in words, including the answer. Read the problem out loud.
100 / 4 =
cent divisé par quatre égalent vingt-cinq
These are the pronunciation keys for the letters that make up a name. Write the name and pronounce the letters out loud.
[eeks] [ah] [vay] [ee] [euh] [air] [euh]
Write these words in French.
thank you / you're welcome
merci / de rien
Write in French and pronounce out loud.
a student's desk
un pupitre