A literary device in which a writer uses one thing to represent another.
What is symbolism?
He is like a giraffe; long-necked with small ears
What is a simile?
The gushing brook stole its way down the lush green mountains, dotted with tiny flowers in a riot of colors and trees coming alive with gaily chirping birds.
What are three types of conflict?
What is
person vs. self
person vs. person
person vs. nature
Give an example of a protagonist from a short story or film we have watched
The clock screamed at me, for it was time to go work.
At the end of the road you can only go left or right
What is juxtaposition?
The message about life or lesson the reader is supposed to learn from a text
What is theme?
The time, place, and cultural context of a story.
What is the setting?
Identify type of conflict and relate it to a story we have watched
(person vs. person, person vs. self, person vs. nature) Example:
-Lightening McQueen vs. Person (Chick Hicks)
-Person vs. Person (George and Lydia vs. Peter and Wendy)
-Kung Fu Panda vs. Person (Tai Lung)
-Baby vs. Self (Man Babies)
“I am so tired I cannot walk another inch” or “I’m so sleepy I might fall asleep standing here”.
What is onomatopoeia?
The most important moment in a story; usually a main character changes after this point.
What is the climax?
The feeling the reader experiences when reading a text.
What is mood?
What central theme or universal message do you think is present in our most recent short story?
(Various) Examples:
Identity, Generational conflict
Escapism and denial, self-discovery and personal growth, compassion vs. enabling
In the fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood, the mother is concerned for her daughter's safety. Later on in the story, the big bad wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood.
What is Foreshadowing?
a photograph of a seagull sitting on top of a no seagulls sig
What is irony?
he point in the story when suspense and interest begin to build.
What is rising action?
The beginning of a story, during which the characters and setting are introduced.
What is exposition?
Using our last short story, create a connection to self, world, and text
The Wicked Witch of the West went her own way.
What is alliteration?
A man is about to give a speech to a large audience on biology. Suddenly, he remembers playing with frogs and toads in his backyard as a curious child. He smiles at the memory, and then begins to speak to the audience about a new, groundbreaking finding about frogs.
What is a flashback?
The way the author feels about the topic they're writing about
What is tone?
When an individual ____, it can result in ___.
Name a dynamic character and explain using the Initially/However/Consequently model
Initially, Lightning McQueen was very arrogant, only caring about winning. However, when he is in Radiator Springs and spends time with the twin people, he realizes relationships are important. Consequently, he sacrifices the precious Piston Cup to help a contender.