Hello in French
Conjugation of être for je
Mother, or mom, in French.
What is "mère"?
Sympathetic in French.
What is "sympathique"?
Tall in French.
What is "grand" ?
See you later in French
What is "À bientôt" ?
Conjugation of avoir for je.
What is "ai" ?
Step-father in French.
What is "beau-père"?
Kind in French.
Small in French.
What is "petit"?
Nice to meet you in French
What is "Enchanté"?
Conjugation of être for il or elle or on.
What is "est" ?
Aunt in French
What is "tante"?
What is "timide"?
What is "beau"?
What is "je m'appelle"?
Conjugation of avoir for il or elle or on
What is "a" ?
Pet in French.
What is "animal domestique"?
Troublesome in French.
What is "pénible"?
"Blond hair" in French.
What is "les cheveux blonds"
See you tomorrow in French
What is "À demain" ?
Conjugation of être for nous.
Half-sister in French.
What is "demie-sœur"?
Strong in French.
What is "fort"?