Forces/Net force
Speed, Velocity& Acceleration
Newton's Laws of Motion
Energy/ Collisions

A push and pull is a ............

What is a Force?


Ture or False: Gravity is always an attractive force because it always pulls objects toward each other.

What is True? 


90 MPH is speed, velocity or acceleration?

What is speed?


What is the definition of Inertia?

What is the tendency of a body to resist  a change of motion or rest. Therefore, a body at rest will stay at rest unless it is acted on by an unbalanced force. Also, a body in motion will stay in motion until acted on by an unbalanced force. 


True or False: energy is neither created nor destroyed and can be transferred form one object to the next or change form. 

What is True? 


We learned about four kinds of forces:

Magnetism, Friction, Air Resistance and Gravity. 

Label each force as a contact or noncontact force. 

Magnetism: Non-Contact

Friction: Contact

Air resistance: Contact

Gravity: Non-Contact


What is the definition of gravity vs. the definition of Mass?

What is Gravity is a noncontact force that pulls objects toward the center of earth.

What is Mass is the amount of stuff or the amount of matter in a particle or object!


What is the different between Speed and Velocity?

What is speed is how fast you are going and velocity is how fast you are going with direction?


Olena is skiing down a mountain. Olena has low friction due to the smooth slippery snow. To finally make her come to a stop she grabs on to a near by tree. However, her her body stops, but her skis fly off her feet and continue to move forward. 

Which one of Newton's laws is best used to describe what happened to Olena and why? 

What is Newton's First law because a body in motion will stay in motion unless an unbalance force (tree) acts upon it. 


What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?

What is Potential energy is the stored energy in any object and kinetic energy is the energy of an object or a system's particles in motion. 


A box is being pushed across the right of a classroom floor. Which direction is the force of friction? 

What is to the left?


What two factors determine the gravitational attraction between objects?

What is mass and gravity? 


Define Acceleration

What is speeding up, slowing down or changing direction?


A student weighs 500N on they sit on a chair. The chair exerts a force on the student of? Which Newton's law is being described here?

What is 500 Newtons? 

What is Newton's Third Law? 


Describes what happens during a car collision when the cars have unequal mass? 

What is the colliding objects have unequal mass, they will have unequal accelerations as a result of the collision. The object with less mass will go zooming across the surface, but the object with more mass will have little effect and bounce back?

What is each object will accelerate in an opposite direction from the other but at a different speed.?


Why is sand placed on icy roads? 

what is sand increases the friction between the tire and the road


Objects on the surface of Earth experience a large downward force although the we feel a small gravitational pull. What best explains this phenomena?  

What is Earth's mass is large enough that its gravity remains strong


A car travels 300 meters east in 15 seconds.

Calculate the velocity of the car and explain why this is velocity? remember units!

What is 20 meters per second? 

What is this is velocity because there is a direction?


Part 1:   

Ms. Festa and Mr. Lofaro are grocery shopping together. Ms. Festa's cart is filled with heavy items, while Mr. Lofaro's only has a few items. If we want to walk together, how can we make sure our carts accelerate at the same speed? 

What is

Mr. Lofaro can increase his amount of force to match speeds with Ms. Festa

Mr. Lofaro can remove things from his cart decreasing mass. 

Ms. Festa can add things to her cart to match Mr. Lofaro's speed


During a collision some energy remains with the object. Some energy is transferred from one object to the other during the collision. Some energy is transformed into other forms, such as ........, .........., ...........?

What is thermal, sound and light energy


What direction is this object moving and what is the net force? 

-------------> ⚽ <-----------------------------

    75 N                         125 N

What is Left 50 Newtons?


 How do weight and mass change at different locations?

What is mass will stay the same and weight will change deepening on the location. 


NYS 2021 Question 70:

Describe one piece of evidence from the diagram which indicates that the car was accelerating.

What is 

The car traveled a greater distance each second

 The diagram shows the car positions getting farther apart

The arrows are getting longer.


Part 2: The force Evelyn is using to push her cart is 45 Newtons. The mass of the cart is only 15 Kg. calculate the acceleration of Evelyn's push on her grocery cart in meters per second squares (m/s^2). 

                            FORCE = MASS X ACCELERATION

What is 3 m/s^2


Which one of these increases when a metal spring is stretched horizontally?

A. Potential Energy                B. Kinetic Energy 

C. Gravitational Energy          D. Electrical Energy  

What is Potential Energy? 
