What is the colored part of the eye that controls the size of the pupil?
The iris
Correct the mistake: "The pupil is increasing its size when it is dark."
The pupil INCREASES its size when it is dark.
Which word contains a diphthong? Vision, Iris, Optic, Retina
What is the function of the pupil?
It controls the amount of light entering the eye.
What is the most common eye color in the world?
What is the white outer layer of the eye?
The sclera
Indicate the correct preposition: The retina is located ___ the back of the eye.
Pronounce and spell the English term for 'nervioso'
Nervous, /ˈnɜːrvəs/
What does the optic nerve do?
It transmits visual information to the brain.
True or False: Your eyes are the same size from birth to adulthood.
Say and spell the English term for 'acomodación'
Accommodation, /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən/
Present simple or continuous?
"While the ciliary muscles __________ (contract), the lens becomes more rounded, allowing for near vision."
(present simple for habitual actions)
Which of these words does NOT contain a short vowel sound? Lens, Cone, Rod, Optic
Cone /ˈkəʊn/
It contains a diphthong
What is the function of the choroid?
It supplies oxygen and nutrients to the eye
What is the only part of the body that doesn’t contain blood vessels?
The cornea
What is the name of the fluid that fills the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye? Say and spell! (Indicate the American and the British spelling)
Aqueous humour, /ˈeɪkwiəs ˈhjuːmər/
Indicate the correct preposition: Light enters ___ the eye through the cornea.
Say and spell the following word: /ˌkɒndʒʌŋkˈtaɪvə/
What happens when the ciliary muscle contracts?
The lens becomes more rounded for near vision
How many times do humans blink per minute on average?
A) About 12 times
B) About 15 times
C) About 17 times.
B) About 15 times.
Name the fibrous strands that hold the lens in place
Zonular fibres or suspensory ligaments
Present simple or continuous?
"As technology evolves, eye care professionals __________ (develop) new treatments for refractive errors, improving patient outcomes."
are developing
(present continous, because it's an ongoing action or development)
Which word has the same vowel sound as "nerve": lens, curve, optic?
curve /ˈkɜːrv/ (=nerve /ˈnɜːrv/)
Incorrect: lens /ˈlenz/, optic /ˈɒptɪk/
What is the difference between rods and cones?
Rods detect light and dark, while cones detect color
What part of the population has green eyes?
A) Around 5%.
B) Around 3%.
C) Around 2%.
C) Around 2%.