Conflict in the
Western Hemisphere
From Feudalism
to Fur Trade
Native American Relations
du Sable!

Following the Seven Years War in North America (aka French and Indian War), Native American nations like the Potawatomi inhered these which helped them fight and farm in European ways.

What are horses?


This Canadian river connected the North Atlantic to the Great Lakes region enabling the French to control the early fur trade

What is the St. Lawrence River? 


Peasants leaving feudal estates for cities challenged these organizations that had tried to limit production 

What are guilds?


This Native American leader represented a younger generation willing to fight against settler colonialism following the Treaty of Greenville. 

Who was Main Poc?


du Sable's estate sat on the banks of this river

What is the Chicago River?


This event was the turning point between Native American nations and the newly formed US military, as the US forces became better trained and equipped.  

What is the Battle of Fallen Timbers?


Joliet proposed to build a canal to better connect this river to Lake Michigan, but the French government never did. 

What is the Illinois River? 


This feudal figure owned all land in the country.

Who is the king?


This Native leader suggested that the US use its money to support poor white settlers instead of buying Native lands. 

Who was Little Turtle? 


du Sable traveled northward up this river which connects the Great Lakes region with the Gulf of Mexico

What is the Mississippi River?


Metis culture would not have existed unless this group of Native nations fought the Miami and Potawatomi, pushing them west toward French traders. 

What is the Iroquois confederacy?


The collapse of population in the Western Hemisphere and increased volcanic activity likely contributed to this climate event.

What is the Little Ice Age?


Named for their King, the French controlled this massive North American territory but never had the resources to fully defend and fortify it. After the Haitian Revolution. Napoleon sells it to Jefferson's government.

What is Louisiana? 


This leader designed plans to change Native culture to become dependent on US traders.

Who was Jefferson?


As one of the Potawatomi chiefs, du Sable helped lead the negotiation of this agreement with the new US?

What is the Treaty of Greenville?


Angered by the advance of American settlers, most Native nations join with the British during this war.

What is the War of 1812? 


As a result of the Treaty of Greenville, Native nations lost most of this state in addition to the territory that became Chicago.

What is Ohio?


The Little Ice Age eliminate this which was given by peasants in return for protection and a place to live. 

What is surplus grain?


This Native leader preached that whites were from another creator, an Evil Spirit. 

Who was Tenskwatawa?

du Sable was likely from this class of persons from Haiti.

What are the gens de couleur? (mixed race)


This Haitian leader completed the victory over Napoleon while threatening to execute remaining white landowners. 

Who was Jean-Jacques Dessalines?


The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited colonists from settling to the west of this mountain range.

What are the Appalachian Mountains?


This feudal class looked for new investment opportunities and often funded North American trade missions.

Who are lords?


This early US document promised to treat Natives in "good faith" and not disturb their "liberty."

What is the Northwest Ordinance (of 1787)?


du Sable's intermarriage and interior decorating are two examples of this unique culture

What is metis (may-tee) culture?
