0-2 Years Old
What does the P stand for?
What is the ability to control and coordinate the movement of the large limbs of the body, e.g. crawling, walking and running.
Gross Motor Skills
Whose is the theory of social learning closely linked to nurture?
By what age can a child usually catch and throw quite well and will have a good sense of balance ?
By 8 years Old
3-8 Years Old
Early Childhood
Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social are the four groups of what?
Growth and Development
Describe Fine Motor Skills
The ability to control and coordinate the movements of the hands and fingers, e.g. writing, painting, holding a mobile phone and using an Ipad
Of nature or nurture, what does Gessells theory nearest support?
By what age can a child walk the up the stairs unaided and hold a crayon or pencil to draw or write ?
By 5 Years Old
What age range is Adolescence?
9-18 Years Old
What is the mental picture we have of our selves?
Self Image
What does Egocentric mean?
Seeing things from only your own perspective/viewpoint
Which models argues that both nature and nurture play an important role in the development of children?
Stress-Diathesis Theory
How do children learn to act and behave and particular situations ?
By watching others and asking questions
19-45 years old
Early Adulthood
What is Self-Esteem?
how much you like, accept and respect yourself or how much you value yourself
What is unconditional acceptance?
When parents give their child security and accept them as they are. Security in the sense of food, love and shelter.
What is Chomsky's theory?
Language Acquisition
What age range do children begin to learn how to handle their feelings ?
Between 3 and 8 years Old
What is the age range of late adulthood?
65 years Plus
What is the ability to interact with others around us in society and build relationships
Social Development
What hormone causes the physical changes seen in puberty in girls ?
Which theory is this?
Without secure attachment infants will not have the emotional resources needed to cope with uncertainty in life and may have reduced ability to cope with stress and major life events
Bowlby's attachment theory
What is parallel play?
When children play alongside each other, but not together. Toys are not shared cooperatively.