Explain the nature vs nurture debate
innate /biological vs external environmental factors
Bonus point explain PIES effects
Family dysfunction
Parental divorce or separation
Sibling rivalry
Culture/ religion/ belief
What is the difference between predictable and unpredictable life events
expected/ know that will happen occurrence/ vs unexpected/ unplanned occurrence/
Identify three possible societal effects of aging
* Greater demand for health and social services e.g. pressure on NHS and social care services; long waiting list
* Greater demand pressure of health and social care professional - increase pressure (overworked
* greater reliance on welfare system/ benefits/ taxpayer (financial) support and entitlements
*susceptibility to cardiovascular disease * the degeneration of nervous tissue * osteoarthritis * degeneration of the sense organs * the reduced absorption of nutrients * dementia * Alzheimer's disease * insomnia,
Explain the following theories
Gessell maturation theory
Bandura social learning theory
Stress diathesis theory
Bonus can you identify the theorist involved?
1. - Human development and behaviour is the result of biological/ and nature/ natural occur/ normative approach/ continuity/ changes are age-related and specific/ deterministic (Arnold Gessell
2. social learning, role model/ learning from observation, attention, retention, reproduction (Albert Bandura)
3. Genetic predisposition + environmental triggers creates susceptibility to certain behaviours.
(Meehl, Bleuler, Rosenthal)
Identify 5 environmental factors that can impact human growth development
Bonus points explain the PIES effects
Air, water, Noise, Light pollution
Poor housing condition
urban/rural -locations
access to health and social care service e.g. opening and closing hours
Geographical barriers
Identify 5 predictable life events
Bonus points of PIES effects
moving home
stating/leaving school
Identify two possible economic effects of aging
* Ageing population increase demand for services
* Impact on the taxpayers purse/ government funding
* increased burden on social services and pension systems,
* a declining labour force, and changes in patterns of consumption and leisure.
* major impact on both government tax revenue and public spending
* Government cuts to welfare
- possible lowers self confidence, self esteem, self concept, Erik Erikson - integrity vs despair- determine thinking process, increase depressions, positive/ or negative outlook-(depending on social changes
social inclusion/social exclusion emotional support, learning new skills/ hobbies/ high vs low self esteems feeling acceptance, contentment
Identify 5 genetic factors that can impact human growth development
Bonus points explain the PIES effects
cystic fibrosis
brittle bones disease
Huntington disease, Down Syndrom, Klinfelter Syndrome, Colour Blindness; Duchenne muscular dystropy
Identify 5 predictable life events
Bonus Point PIES effects for each
What does the term enabler mean?
Someone who delivers person-centred care in a domiciliary setting which encouragers independence
It can also be someone who encourage an individual to be dependent on them with an unhealthy habit. e.g.
Identify 4 reason why an individual in later adulthood might experience negative effects psychological changes during ageing
*death of partner/ friend
*financial concerns
* changes in role/status
* effects of culture/religion or belief
* Increase in leisure time/ social isolation
solo/ solitary play
parallel play
co-operative (social) play
Identify 5 biological factors that can impact human growth development
Bonus points explain the PIES effects
Foetal alcohol syndrome
maternal infection during pregnancy e.g. rubella, CMV
Lifestyle/ diet e.g. eating raw food
Identify 5 economic factors that can impact human growth development
Bonus points explain the PIES effects
employment status/ occupations
material possession
What is a cartilage
-a soft issue that protects the surfaces of the bone
Explain the social engagement theory - and identify the key theorist
Theorist- Cummings and Henry (1961)
Social engagement theory means that older people withdraw for social involvement as they get older. Due to ill health, geographical model, retirement, social networks
In groups
Create your own mark scheme or Model answer
Using theories evaluate the importance of bonding/attachment during the infancy
Show youranswer to your teacher
Identify 3 genetical predisposition that make individual more susceptible to diseases
high blood cholesterol
Bonus point- explain each style
Using theories evaluate the social and psychological impact of retirement on an individuals who is 70 years old.
social disengagement theory vs activity theory, erik Erikson - integrity vs guilt - (psychosocial conflicts)
social withdrawal vs/ social activity- adapting to new social activities
social isolation/ opportunities for social inclusion
social exclusion
high self esteem/ concept/ image vs long- self-esteem/concept / image
loss of confidence
Explain the activity theory - and identify the key theorist
Theorist- Robert Havinghurst (1960)
As people get older, the social and psychological needs stay the same elder want to stay active and the may adjust in the types of activities that might want to get involved.