Scientific Method
Experimental Design
Analyzing Data
Characteristics of Life
General Experiment ?s

Name one step in the scientific method

What is an (observation, hypothesis, experiment, data collection, communicate with scientists, analyze results, research ...... )


The one factor that is purposely changed in an experiment

What is an independent variable?


Something that can be directly seen/perceived with the senses is a (observation or inference)

What is a observation? 


Name one characteristic of living things. 

reproduction, growth and development, response to stimuli, metabolism, homeostasis, cellular organization, adaptation, movement, and the ability to acquire and use energy (nutrition and respiration).


A study is conducted to see if sleeping longer impacts a students test results. What is the dependent variable? 

Test Results 


A testable statement that is a possible answer to a problem

What is a hypothesis?


The factor that changes in response to the independent variable (measured during an experiment)

What is the dependent variable?


On which axis is the independent variable located? 

What is the X axis?


A signal to which an organism responds 



A study is conducted to see if sleeping longer impacts a students test results. What is a possible control variable in this experiment? 

Varies: Teacher decides what is correct 


The type of data that involves numerical values

What is quantitative data?


The group that is used to compare the results of an experiment to

Control Group


An observation made states that there are bird footprints around a pond. What inference can be made from this? 

Birds live near the pond, drink water from the pond, get food from the pond .... 


Give an example of the characteristic; Respond to the environment

Answers vary; teacher decides 


A student hypothesized that the pulse rates of his classmates would increase after walking. The student then obtained pulse rates from five classmates after they walked for 15 minutes. The data, in beats per minute, were recorded as: 78, 68, 84, 88, and 90. Identify one error in the experimental procedure. 

-No control group 

-Not enough people in trials 

-Not consistent control variables (type of person, same age, same height .... )


Using evidence from observations and investigations to create logical explanations and answer questions

What is scientific inquiry? 


What is a possible control variable for the question, "Do energy drinks cause plants to grow faster?" 

What is (soil, plant type, amount of energy drinks, sunlight, pot, temperature ... )


To improve reliability in an experiment you should:

What is increase the number of trials or compare to class data?


The sum of chemical reactions that take place in the body to create energy and materials for cells and organisms to grow, reproduce, and stay healthy

What is metabolism? 


You water three sunflower plants with salt water. Each plant receives a different concentration of salt water. After a two week period, the height of the plants is measured. What is missing from the experiment above that would make this valid? 

What is the control group?


Does the scientific method have to be completed in a specific order? Explain why or why not. 

No, scientists can do multiple activities throughout their investigation. 


If you increase the amount of spinach you eat, then you will increase the iron in your blood.
What's the dependent variable?

What is the amount of iron in your blood? 


For years scientists believed that flies spontaneously generated from nonliving things. Experiments have been conducted since then that suggest flies do don't generate from meat but instead come from eggs laid on the meat. This discover suggests what about scientific understandings? 

That scientific understandings can change as new information becomes available 


The ability of living systems to maintain a stable internal environment, despite external changes

What is homeostasis? 


Imagine a study designed to investigate how different levels of light intensity affect the growth of plants. Researchers set up four groups of plants, each exposed to a different light intensity: regular, low, medium, and high. Over several weeks, they measure the height and overall health of the plants in each group. What is a possible hypothesis for the above scenario? 

If ..... then .... 
